Another Heron hacked

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

New gas and a relic site don't interest me at home, and neither does a tower and lack of ships in our neighbouring system. Neither result really surprises me, though. It's far from common to come on-line at the same time a fleet is raiding our home system, and outbound ...

Rock-man kung fu

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Where is everyone? Not in our home system. And I only see two bubbles in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. Hoping there is more lying out of range of my directional scanner, I launch probes and blanket the system. The three anomalies and seven signatures I pretty much expect, ...

Stopping short

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

A standard start to the evening sees no one around, new gas for my colleagues when they appear, and a fresh static wormhole for me to explore beyond. I suppose I should do that, for it is what I do. It's a standard first jump too, as updating my directional ...

Ghost and relics

Saturday, March 1st, 2014

Back to the tower to lurk. I'm not expecting much in a system where I've just ambushed a hauler collecting planet goo, but where else am I going to lurk? Besides, it lets me watch for new contacts and potential ship changes, to see if the system gets hot or ...

Classic catch

Friday, February 28th, 2014

More gas for the industrialists floats in to the home system. Big deal, I'm out of here. And hello Bestower in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, all alone on my directional scanner, without a tower in sight. Sense suggests the hauler is on a wormhole, because who collects planet ...

Short and sour

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

I've not much time tonight, but still enough to have a quick look around. Nothing new at home sends me straight to our static wormhole and the neighbouring class 3 w-space system, where I'm privileged to see both a tower and a ship on my directional scanner from the K162. ...

Not killing a ghost

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

The new signature at home is a new pocket of gas. We have people for that. Not me, I'm hitting the wormhole. It's adventure time! Jumping to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system and updating my directional scanner shows me a tower and no ships. Okay, not so much adventure ...

Getting pilots home

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

The class 5 w-space system fleet got their kill, not me but Fin, and also killed their wormhole. That leaves us with probably a stale constellation through our static wormhole—after all, they merely used it to transport goods, not to roam—and some colleagues to bring home. Still, a lack of ...

Returning to a cold embrace

Monday, February 24th, 2014

Relics, gas, and a second wormhole. Which will give me the most excitement? Call it a hunch, but I'll try the K162 from class 5 w-space over the gas. Ah crap, I was right, but I wasn't really expecting to see a fleet waiting for me. Two Legion strategic cruisers, ...

No one and nothing, even in null-sec

Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

Holy crap, there is no one around. Rarely are there times like this. I hope it's not a general indication of w-space activity, but let's find out. It's even just me and the wormhole, Aii having sucked up yesterday's gas quite efficiently, so I am soon jumping to the neighbouring ...