Anathema to w-space exploration

Monday, March 24th, 2014

I'm starting from scratch. All the old, known sites have disappeared from the home system, new signatures have appeared, and no one is around. What have I got in the system with me? A bit of gas, some relics, and one wormhole. Well, maybe our neighbouring class 3 w-space system ...

Looking for the home system

Sunday, March 23rd, 2014

It's a different start to my day. I'm in a space station. It's pretty weird. The first order of business is to replace my ship, which is easy logistically, having docked two hops from Jita, but rather difficult when it comes to thinking of a name. I stumble over this ...

Situational awareness is relative to the situation

Saturday, March 22nd, 2014

Back in to class 2 w-space, and across to the wormhole leading to our neighbouring class 3 system. At least, that was the plan, taking me home after a night of stalking shadows, until I casually update my directional scanner in C2a to see a Procurer in empty space. Of ...

Looking for a cloaked ship isn't easy

Friday, March 21st, 2014

'We have visitors', says my glorious leader. Not obvious ones, perhaps, but a cloaky Tengu strategic cruiser has just jumped past Fin to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. With a new signature in the system I sense a connecting wormhole. But, as a wise capsuleer recently said, sense can ...

Facing the despair of a C5 chain

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

No change at home sends me straight through our static wormhole, where I start another day with a clear result from my directional scanner and nothing in the system out of range. Is there also a static exit to null-sec? My notes say yes. Okay. Launching probes and scanning the ...

Ghost ship and ghost site

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

Two wormholes in high-sec. Both K162s, both coming from w-space. One is from a class 3 system, the other a class 2 system. Still no hauler returns to jump past me from where he perhaps didn't go in the first place, so I stop waiting ineffectually and go looking for ...

Seeing an orange and feeling a lemon

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

Crap, our home sites have been plundered, all without my being able to interrupt or explode anything. That's a damned shame. An unexpected signature isn't even a wormhole leading to the perps either, just a new pocket of gas that I'll ignore and hope someone else has designs on harvesting. ...

Scouts passing by

Monday, March 17th, 2014

Do new signatures in the home system mean new opportunity? Only if I want to dig up some space relics in space, or huff on space gas in space. Which I don't. So it's through our static wormhole with me, where my directional scanner shows me the unlikely pairing of ...

Called in by HR

Sunday, March 16th, 2014

I'm heading off-line. I got a salvager kill, saw the rest of the fleet crash their wormhole, and hit a dead end in low-sec. That looks like it for me. But HR has braved the stargates in the faction warfare systems of The Bleak Lands and uncovered another wormhole leading ...

After the ambush

Saturday, March 15th, 2014

I'm out of the pocket seconds after the successful ambush. I don't feel a particular need to be in any great rush, though, not with my reduced-range directional scanner still showing no one coming to help. Regardless, it is good practice to clear the pocket and get out of harm's ...