Heron of happenstance

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

I could use a new skill book. Sure, it's for another skill that I may need at some point in a mythical future where I fly a different ship, but as skill training takes finite time it's best to get this kind of logistics out of the way before I ...

Single-handedly destroying new player retention

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

It looks like a standard start to my evening, but it's easier than normal. It seems our static wormhole collapsed in on itself and spawned a tiny Big Bang—so, a bang, I suppose—for its replacement to be on the same locus. I warp across to take a look, the wormhole ...

Scouting scouting boats

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Fin's here, but is she really here? Judging by bookmarks pointing to a K162 from class 4 w-space and the originating side of that wormhole, I'm guessing not. 'I was not going to do anything stupid', my glorious leader says on seeing my coming on-line. Yeah, she's probably in the ...

Bad bait

Monday, March 31st, 2014

Just sittin' on a wormhole, waitin' for polarisation to end. I'm curious to see if the locals of our neighbouring class 3 w-space system will poke their noses through, see what's happening here. I'm not really expecting anything, given that I disrupted their mining operation—admittedly with almost negligible loss to ...

Cheap and cheerless

Sunday, March 30th, 2014

No Sleepers for me today, even though a couple of new sites have spawned in the home system. I'm off exploring. It's just our static wormhole to venture through, so through it I venture to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, where I am frustrated by the discovery scanner. Just ...

Three against the Sleepers

Saturday, March 29th, 2014

My glorious leader is on-line. What's up, Fin? 'Just trying to clean out some signatures.' So... 'sucking gas, basically.' Well, we have some decent anomalies, which I mentioned to myself in passing a day or so ago, and an ever-present need to make more ISK to fuel our machine. Maybe ...

Checking the gas is still on

Friday, March 28th, 2014

Back to standard scouting. The Venture mining frigate has disappeared, leaving the gas site moments after simultaneously sucking up the last of the gas and having my probes resolve his position. I need to look elsewhere for adventure, but perhaps after I find the towers in this system. One is ...

Going for a gasser

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

A healthy set of anomalies has accumulated in the home system. We ought to sweep through them soon, culling the herd, before some scumbag roaming fleet does it for us. There's also some gas, but that's someone else's problem. I make a note of what's here and what we should ...

Crossing with a Crane

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014

Back in my Loki strategic cruiser, mostly ignoring the customs office-bashing fleet in a class 2 w-space system behind me, I head towards our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 system. My directional scanner gives me the all-clear from the K162, so I launch probes, blanket the ...

Aiding a minor structure bash

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Someone needs to suck it. All the gas in our home system, I mean. There's loads of it, and I can't be bothered. But I will scan, because that's what I do. And even more gas has floated in to our system. I dunno, we'll have an atmosphere soon, and ...