Hail Mary on a marauder

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

We retreat. Mick and HR head back through the wormhole to the home system, and I am in a tactical spot some distance from the wormhole in this class 4 w-space system. Hostile ships mill around the wormhole in the distance but they don't follow my colleagues through; they are ...

Back-and-forth with bait

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

I'm feeling more positive after yesterday's playful encounter. What's up for tonight? A ship in our home system, for a start, which my combat scanning probes inform me of. Warping across from my safe spot lets me see the Golem marauder on my directional scanner, and switching overviews and repeating ...

Ever get the feeling you're being watched?

Monday, April 21st, 2014

You never can tell who's watching you in w-space. The scout in an Anathema covert operations boat of this class 3 w-space system has moved back in to the force field of his tower, after being decloaked by a colleague in a shuttle, and wisely, considering I was watching. Another ...

Pausing on the way home

Sunday, April 20th, 2014

I have a plan. I got podded last night, under frustrating circumstances, and will be starting the evening in high-sec. I plan to buy some cheap ammunition, throw a capacitor-sucking shield booster on to my new Loki strategic cruiser, and cruise high-sec anomalies popping rats in a therapeutic manner, hopefully ...

Red ring of death

Saturday, April 19th, 2014

I found myself some minor excitement, now it looks like there may be some miner excitement. The EVE University-held class 2 w-space system I'm in has a single anomaly, an ore site, and a Skiff exhumer coincident with it, according to my directional scanner. Of course, there are also six ...

Flirtation with EVE University

Friday, April 18th, 2014

I come on-line to see my glorious leader and a trail of bookmarks. I follow the trail to see where they lead, which is first unsurprisingly in to a class 3 w-space system. My notes tell me that the exit goes to low-sec empire space, and combine with my directional ...

Finding Impass

Thursday, April 17th, 2014

There's no change in space, as far as I can tell. That's a little over 14 AU, for what it's worth, and I'm fairly sure space extends at least a little beyond that. Perhaps I should take a better look around than merely punching my directional scanner in a safe spot ...

Null-sec to null-sec to null-sec

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

Screw the Sleepers, a statement more meaningful were there many left in our home system. I paid my dues to maintaining our presence in w-space yesterday, culling plenty of the drones to help keep our wallet healthy with ISK, and today I am off exploring. Our neighbouring class 3 system ...

Relaxing by making ISK

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

I've calmed down a little about yesterday's Epithal encounter. A little. Okay, not really, because nothing's changed. It's just best not to dwell too much on it. An evening spent blowing the crap out of Sleepers would probably offer some light relief, though, so with glorious leader Fin available and ...

Falling foul of a standard fitting

Monday, April 14th, 2014

A super-simple start to this evening. My glorious leader has left a trail of bookmarks for me to follow, in to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system and out to empire space. No scanning required. So, what's out there? Nothing is on our K162 in C3a, or on my directional ...