Not exploring my options

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

Fin's lost a Loki. My glorious leader hasn't misplaced the strategic cruiser in a hangar, but got it stuck on a structure in an anomaly when reclaiming some Sleeper loot of ours, and the four Golem marauders trying to steal it took offence. So it goes. We should probably buy ...

Random access

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

A glorious leader and some bookmarks is a good combination to come on-line to. Fin's now busy hauling between w-space and high-sec, as we have an exit conveniently close to Amarr. I hope she remembers that we're currently at war. 'Always', she says, and points me towards an unexplored class ...

Random access denial

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

I have a little time to hang around w-space, let's see what I can get up to. I can start by checking out the kill report of the Vindicator, a marauder that was idling on a stargate valued at 1·5 billion ISK. I wonder if the owner corporation still thinks declaring ...

Dying wormholes

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

It's been a while since my last mid-afternoon excursion. Do many people come out to play this early? There's no one obvious in the home system, not with the only signature churn being our static wormhole, leaving me the new connection to resolve and jump through to the neighbouring class ...

Looking for wrecks

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Pop, pop, pop. High-sec rats are easy. So easy, in fact, that I launch probes to scan the one extra signature in this system to keep myself entertained between target acquisition and cycling my autocannons. It's a wormhole. I may go there, I may not, particularly as a capsuleer tagged ...

Scanning but not counting

Monday, April 28th, 2014

Gas, anomalies, one other signature. Ah, w-space life. That signature will be our static wormhole to class 3 w-space, and I'll do what I usually do and ignore the gas in favour of the wormhole. Someone else can suck it, I'm sure. It's almost as if I'm keen to go ...

It's difficult to make a mess of simple scanning

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

I've got to stop making stupid mistakes. It's kinda expensive, and a bit stupid. Scanning the anomalies and single signature in the home system seems pretty safe to start with, and as my glorious leader has kindly bought and assembled a new Loki strategic cruiser for me there is no ...

Cupidity leads to stupidity

Saturday, April 26th, 2014

I come on-line to interrupt some mining. Not by shooting any ships, although I could have done, but by my glorious leader stopping her rock-chomping to open our wormhole and go exploring. I follow behind Fin, sort of. I stop at the wormhole, distracted by the shimmering colours and a ...

Sleepers, thousands of them

Friday, April 25th, 2014

Fin's sleeping. Sleepering. Shooting Sleepers. She nearly wasn't, having been isolated in empire space yesterday, and thanks me for the convenient route back home through a wormhole two systems from Amarr. It was my pleasure, I suppose. And with a closed system and a bunch of anomalies it looks like ...

Replacing the Manticore

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

There's nothing to report on coming on-line. Gas, anomalies, the static wormhole. I resolve the wormhole and jump to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system hoping to find more, but only the black hole is obvious from the K162. My directional scanner is clear. It's a big system, though, so ...