Not everything comes to she who waits

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

Sleepers can get bent this evening. Well, the few in our one remaining combat anomaly and those that don't really count in the couple of ore sites. I wouldn't even venture in there normally, so ignoring them tonight is simplicity itself. I scan for our static wormhole, warp that way, ...

Sleepers and scanning

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

Home looks much the same as it did yesterday, albeit with a new anomaly. I'll clear that for luck, and for ISK. Oh, and the static wormhole I resolved and bookmarked yesterday apparently has been relocated to elsewhere in the system. Maybe we weren't as isolated yesterday as we thought ...

Staying home for Sleepers

Monday, May 12th, 2014

Damn, some of our sites have been plundered. We've had too many visitors lately, some of them were bound to stay a while. Thank goodness none have stayed forever, I don't have a giant electrifying ball of evil. There is another signature in home system too, which I kinda hope ...

Recouping a mineral loss

Saturday, May 10th, 2014

Two signatures at home surely hold a K162 between them. In fact, they are both K162 wormholes, one coming in from class 4 w-space, the other class 2 w-space. Let's see what's in C2a first. Updating my directional scanner from the other side of the wormhole sees a tower, Tengu ...

Loitering in low-sec

Friday, May 9th, 2014

The local pilots float inside their tower doing nothing. It's not terribly surprising, given I've just successfully ambushed one of their Retriever mining barges, but it does offer us a minor opportunity. I keep watching the pilots as a newly arrived Fin grabs a destroyer from our tower, jumps to ...

Sleepers and ore

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

Some good anomalies have floated back in to the home w-space system, along with an extra signature. Is it another wormhole? Nope, the other signature is just a bit more gas, which should give us a closed system. I perhaps ought to turn some of those anomalies in to ISK, ...

Finding exits and entrances

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Sites have despawned in the home system, yet there are signatures dotted around. What manner of wizardry is this?! I shall investigate. Oh, and I need to bring my glorious leader home too. The signatures are new, or shifted, gas clouds, and a second wormhole. The connection is a K162 ...

'Ceptors are scary

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

Checking the exit to low-sec takes me to a system in Metropolis, where there is no sign of the Astero frigate or any other members of his corporation. They've definitely moved out of today's neighbouring class 3 w-space system, with a little help from us. There are a couple of ...

Helping with a move

Monday, May 5th, 2014

Another day in w-space. We've got one anomaly back and a new signature. No one is currently stealing from us in the anomaly and I think about clearing it for ourselves, but only once I've scanned to make sure the system is safe. It is not. The new signature is ...

Finding the w-space Phantasm

Sunday, May 4th, 2014

I leave the hot system behind me. Well, cool system. It was hot earlier, and there is certainly some activity happening, just nothing I can see. Frankly, that's not a great kind of activity to be involved in. So it is that I jump through the wormhole home and head ...