Not bothering with a bubble

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

My glorious leader has been busy scanning. Our static wormhole is bookmarked, as is a K162 from class 2 w-space, along with a class 3 system behind that C2 and a high-sec exit. However, there are no bookmarks for C3a, the neighbouring system through our static wormhole, so I head ...

Scouting to strategic cruisers

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Man, even our two ore sites have gone. What kind of despicable pilot would activate them just because they can, denying others their utility perhaps only because they can't make use of them themselves? I dunno, bunch of savages in w-space. At least two new anomalies have popped up to ...

Losing my eyeline

Monday, June 2nd, 2014

Maybe I'll just have a quick poke around tonight. Nothing fancy or extended. Well, I definitely won't be shooting Sleepers, seeing that all our anomalies have been stolen, bastards. Perhaps one of the handful of new signatures will lead to the culprits. I dunno about that, but we've certainly had ...

Night of the class 2 system

Sunday, June 1st, 2014

There's not much to report at home. Probably. That one new signature could be a wormhole, but it feels like gas. I burp some probes in to space and scan, resolving myself a second wormhole. Okay, then, let's take a look. Well, that will be our static wormhole, making this ...

Taking on a Talos

Saturday, May 31st, 2014

Hello, there's a Talos on the wormhole home. The battlecruiser isn't really blocking my way, as I'm sure I can evade a single ship on a wormhole, but what else do the pilots of this class 5 w-space system have around? I've been at a distant tower, watching a hauler ...

Trying to count ships

Friday, May 30th, 2014

All looks well. I launch probes and perform a blanket scan of the home w-space system as I warp to an arbitrary safe spot to place my Loki strategic cruiser in a more central position. At least, I think it's an arbitrary safe spot, one bookmark plucked out of the ...

Looking out for a scout

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

Look at all of these anomalies popped up! I don't fancy them solo, but could use a Fin to sweep through them as a team for lots of sweet ISK. Maybe she'll arrive shortly. I scan the home system as I wait, resolving our static wormhole but leaving it unvisited, ...

Dipping through a dying wormhole

Wednesday, May 28th, 2014

I'm here, and so is Fin. I think. 'C3a has a high-sec exit that's nine hops from Amarr, and a wormhole to a C5. I've not been to the C5.' So my glorious leader has scanned and is taking advantage of a fair connection in our neighbouring class 3 w-space ...

Passing time poorly

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

I'm only two stargate hops to Rens. That's neat, maybe. I dunno. It's better than Dodixie, by default, but it also means that waiting half-an-hour for an Iteron hauler to make a return trip is probably too long. With that in mind, I do what any reasonable capsuleer would do, ...

Curious orange

Monday, May 26th, 2014

New sites at home look tempting. It's a shame that the Sleepers sabotaged our Golem marauder, forcing it off-line shortly after it was warped in to an anomaly and reducing it to wreckage. Still, we can rebuild it. It just needs a few replacement parts. Until we get them, I ...