Running foul of rocks

Monday, October 24th, 2011

Another day, another empty home system. Scanning my way out of here is simple as always but picking a direction is not as straightforward as usual, there being a second wormhole present today. Along with our static wormhole to class 3 w-space there is also a K162 from class 4 ...

Probing for a planetary popping

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

With only a little time planned to spend in space today I'm not expecting to do much more than take a short look around, starting with the home system. An unexpected signature has appeared which when resolved turns out only to be more gas, leaving me just the static wormhole ...

Simple scanning in w-space

Friday, October 21st, 2011

Yet another evening starts with an empty home system, which is a little saddening. I shall have to look elsewhere for company again, scanning and resolving the static wormhole easily enough as the sole stray signature I don't have a bookmark for. Jumping through the wormhole presents me with a ...

Topping up the tower is as good as it gets

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Like a shark in Chinese waters, I'm missing a Fin. Whilst exploration can be an end in itself, I prefer scanning through the w-space constellation when it's more of a precursor to action. And whether it's shooting Sleepers or surprising other pilots who are shooting Sleepers I cannot do much ...

Getting a second shot

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Nothing's new in the home w-space system, letting me jump early through our static wormhole. Nothing appears to be happening in the neighbouring class 3 system either, with only a bunch of warp bubbles visible on my directional scanner. They could indicate occupation somewhere out of d-scan range, or they ...

Heading home has a hauler appear

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Seven bookmarks for the home system, eight signatures revealed when scanning. Including today's unresolved static wormhole that seems about right to me, until I realise one of the ladar sites I activated has dispersed now, giving me an extra signature to investigate. It turns out to be more gas, or ...

Scanning and selling

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Blimey, eight signatures light up in the spheres of my scanning probes today. I'm still only expecting three after yesterday's double-wormhole blip, so I wonder how many visitors we have today. Considering the home w-space system was stabilising as I arrived, indicating it being empty for hours, I'm guessing not ...

If at first you don't succeed, shoot something else

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

We've taken two shots at a pilot exporting ships and missed the kill on both attempts. The first attempt had the battleship warp clear, probably thanks to warp core stabilisers. The second had a Proteus strategic cruiser turn up to spoil our fun. It looks like our target is one ...

Chasing battleships

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

The Sleepers are going at it like rabbits. There are two new signatures in the home system, doubling what was here yesterday. Actually, maybe the Sleepers are only indirectly responsible for the new signatures, as resolving them reveals two wormholes instead of new infestations. Capsuleers are to blame for my ...

A little too patient for once

Friday, October 14th, 2011

Sleepers are repopulating. Two more new signatures are in our home system and neither is a second wormhole. I activate some gas and bookmark a magnetometric site, before jumping through the static wormhole, characteristically the signature farthest from the planets, to appear in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. A ...