Same system, same sites

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

After recent unspectacular outings through w-space I am keen to do some legwork today. I am out and about relatively early, looking to perform some thorough reconnaissance for later ambushes. An extra signature in the home system could be initially promising too, but it turns out only to be some ...

Looking around w-space

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

I'm up and ready to take another poke around w-space. There's no one at home, which is a good start and lets me take my time to get settled, although I suppose it doesn't really matter how much time I take with only one undetermined signature. I resolve our static ...

Ransacking a radar site in low-sec

Monday, December 12th, 2011

An empty system is a quiet system. I'll see if I can find one not quite so empty, which means scanning our home first. After a minor absence a couple of anomalies have reappeared, the rocks are gone, and I'm left with a single signature to resolve. There is nothing ...

Obstructing a null-sec short-cut

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

I'm by myself again, with an urge to find some company. Two unexpected signatures in the home system may provide it, particularly as one is a wormhole in addition to our static connection. The other signature is just some dumb rocks, which I activate. The second wormhole is a K162 ...

Unspectacular scanning and sitting in a new ship

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

All looks quiet at home, just an ordinary day. I know it's not going to be, but first I will scan and look for trouble, to keep me amused during this last short period of waiting. My folder of old bookmarks remains from yesterday, which I still refuse to discard ...

Familiarity breeds contempt

Friday, December 9th, 2011

I turn up as Fin turns up. I really hope I'm not just another of my glorious leader's many alts, although I have long suspected of being just such an entity. It would explain an awful lot. But I suppose the pretence must be maintained, and I remain in-character as ...

Crashing a corpse recovery

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

Hello, Mr Drake. A new battlecruiser has appeared in the tower of our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, which I find out only on a cursory check whilst on my way home to collapse our static wormhole. The constellation has looked boring so far, glorious leader Fin already shoving an ...

Ten minutes through a dying wormhole

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

Glorious leader Fin's been busy. 'C3 is boring, HS static, exit four from Dodixie', all of which is shorthand to say that the class 3 w-space system beyond our static wormhole holds nothing of interest but leads out to high-sec empire space a few jumps from a trade hub. And ...

Hit and run away like a scared schoolgirl

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

The home system looks empty from where I am. I wonder what it's like from the other side, and once I launch scanning probes I warp across the system to find out. Pretty much the same, which I suppose is good. My probes let me know that a couple of ...

A miss and a hit

Monday, December 5th, 2011

There's an interceptor in our home system. I don't feel threatened, though, as the Malediction is bearing the name Sad Panda and is sharing my otherwise empty directional scanner reading with a jet-can. Fin's hunting that errant canister down again. As she gets closer, but still days away from the ...