Making ISK and missing ships

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

I'm a masochist at heart, apparently. Returning to the home w-space system may be worthwhile this evening, though, what with all the anomalies that have popped up recently. There are also three signatures, however, and I had better check to see what they are before making any firm plans. One ...

Prodding a Prorator

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

I abandon my wormhole vigil, get back in my Proteus, and jump back through the wormhole to our neighbouring class 3 system. The covert operations boat didn't bother to come to me, so maybe I need to go to him. Wherever he is. And I'm not sure what I can ...

Detonating a ghost site

Monday, June 23rd, 2014

There is a ghost site in the home system that I somehow overlooked yesterday. It sticks out quite plainly in yesterday's stack of bookmarks, and checking the discovery scanner shows that it remains today. That's something, I suppose. I could clear the site, or try to, but even when I ...

Claiming another Gecko

Sunday, June 22nd, 2014

I can continue the test flight of my new ship. Or help my glorious leader pop Sleepers in a closed home system. That seems a much better opportunity than pretty much any other w-space activity at the moment, rather depressingly. So, surprisingly, I can't be arsed to do anything but ...

Poking around high-sec

Saturday, June 21st, 2014

There are no oranges in the high-sec exit from our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. Whoever was here earlier has gone... somewhere else. Maybe he's returned home. Jumping through the wormhole to check gives me some minor excitement, as I find the drones that I now remember where left scattered ...

Turning to the dark side

Friday, June 20th, 2014

Let's see if I can maintain interest in w-space a little longer. Perhaps I am just being curmudgeonly, and there are still plenty of opportunities for action and excitement. Like in the home system, where our anomalies are once more building up. Shooting Sleepers is excellent fun, am I right? ...

Testing for bait

Thursday, June 19th, 2014

Back to C3b, across to C3a, and in to the home system. Through the w-space constellation, all the time feeling a pull back to the class 4 system and the Procurer chomping away on an arkonor rock. I'm concerned about the state of w-space activity, and I'm leaving an active ...

Probable bait

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

I'm back again. I dunno why. Unfounded optimism, maybe, or just a creature of habit. Either way, I only feel like a quick session, which definitely makes my appearance feel habitual, although I have other activities I can be doing. Let's get on. Two new signatures in the home system ...

Extra time for extra signatures

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

Back through class 2 w-space. The Helios covert operations boat is probably still running idle loops around its tower, the Impairor frigate motionless nearby. In to class 3 w-space, our neighbouring system, and is that a new signature the discovery scanner is blinking at me? It's not immediately obvious, what ...

W-space life is rubbish

Monday, June 16th, 2014

I don't know what there is to do in w-space any more. The discovery scanner has made finding active pilots more difficult. Even if I do, mobile tractor units have all but made salvagers obsolete, removing another significant source of targets. Now the 'look at' feature doesn't let me track ...