Persevering for a PI popping

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

It feels like a while since I've shot another pilot for kicks and giggles. I should remedy that. I've got the disco playing, let's go hunting! Well, exploring first, and there's no guarantee I'll find anyone, but thanks for harshing my buzz, Penny's inner voice. Even so, I have a ...

Stalked whilst stealing Sleeper sites

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

A quick scan of the home system reveals no new signatures cropping up since I went to get food. Snacking can be a lengthy affair, so it's best to check. Fin's here and one step ahead of me, in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, reporting all to be quiet. ...

Too much to explore

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

'Finally!' Uh-oh, that sounds ominous. 'You're going to be busy.' Maybe I should pretend I'm only here to update my skill queue, and quietly disappear. My glorious leader is quick to allay my apprehensions, pointing out that half-a-dozen systems all connect to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, merely giving ...

Salvaging Sleepers and stealth bombers

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Nom nom nom, I wonder if anyone's appeared in our neighbouring class 3 system yet. I can't say for sure, but I know that glorious leader Fin is in our w-space home. She reports that the two ageing wormholes I resolved earlier have died, which should prevent angry strategic cruisers ...

Unspectacular scanning and sitting in a new ship

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

All looks quiet at home, just an ordinary day. I know it's not going to be, but first I will scan and look for trouble, to keep me amused during this last short period of waiting. My folder of old bookmarks remains from yesterday, which I still refuse to discard ...

A miss and a hit

Monday, December 5th, 2011

There's an interceptor in our home system. I don't feel threatened, though, as the Malediction is bearing the name Sad Panda and is sharing my otherwise empty directional scanner reading with a jet-can. Fin's hunting that errant canister down again. As she gets closer, but still days away from the ...

Almost finding trouble

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

I arrive just as Fin is about to peek through one of the two K162s in the system. My glorious leader has scanned our home and found not only our static wormhole to class 3 w-space, but also connections coming from class 2 and class 5 w-space. That gives us ...

Profiting from other's efforts

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Intruder alert, intruder alert! I wake up on the outskirts of our home w-space system as is usual, cloaking immediately in my covert Tengu strategic cruiser, and all looks normal. I launch scanning probes, throw them out of the system, and warp to a spot within directional scanner range of ...

Searching for some action

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

'Drake is at customs.' The burst of information as I wake up at our tower is brief but exciting, Mick tailing the battlecruiser in a class 3 w-space system to find it floating outside a customs office. He's a sitting duck, if you'll pardon the pun, but too much for ...

Substandard scouting

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Another day, another gravimetric site to lazily mine. I resolve the new site, warp in, and warp back out again. That'll teach those rocks to appear in my system. Now I'll see if I can stir up a similar storm outside of home, warping to the only wormhole present and ...