Getting lucky with the loot

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

A new static wormhole leads to another boring-looking system. I renewed our static wormhole to isolate ourselves from an occupied but empty class 3 w-space system, where the only indication of activity happened when I was pushing the Orca through the wormhole to collapse it. Now I'm looking at my ...

Watching Sleepers rattle a snake

Monday, May 7th, 2012

All alone in space again, so sad. It's just me and my gas. Hey, maybe that's why I'm alone. I need to get rid of the gas! Damn, I think I'm suffering from space madness, so enough of the high jinks and on to exploring the w-space constellation for today. ...

Wormholes lead to wormholes

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

Add skill, hit apply, and quickly! Phew, having an unscheduled lack of net connection for a full weekend drained my skill queue, which threw me in to a mild, uh, feeling of ennui, really. What's a few hours here or there? And even once the net connection was restored I ...

Shadowing a gassing battleship

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

We've reaped the profit from the popper Proteus, looting and salvaging the strategic cruiser and the Sleepers it engaged, and now our victim's gone off-line. The w-space constellation may not be entirely quiet, though, as the K162 from the Proteus pilot's class 5 home is not the only wormhole connecting ...

Taking the bait and taking a chance

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

My glorious leader has been scanning again. Thanks, Fin! She's nowhere to be found at the moment, though, so it's just me and space for a while. Even though I have a set of bookmarks for our w-space constellation ready for me I still launch probes and blanket the home ...

Strategic cruising in class 2 w-space

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Fin's been, scanned, and gone. That'll save me some time! Or it should, if w-space weren't so bally changeable. I launch probes to scan the home system and find two signatures unaccounted for by the current collection of corporate bookmarks. That's still better than resolving the lot, though, and it ...

Scanning a chain of class 2 w-space systems

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

I pause in the home system to activate a new ladar site, the stupid gas delaying today's exploration of w-space. We're keeping on top of our sites, though, ensuring scanning remains manageable. The anomalies are another matter, but I quite like having plenty of them around as honeytraps for passing ...

A kill is a kill

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

I have a shiny new marauder, with only a few scratches from a Dread Gurista so far. But as much as I'd like to pilot the Golem in to anomalies to blow the crap out of some Sleepers, if there's one lesson that's been rammed home to me in the ...

Looking for rats and finding trouble

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

Both the static wormhole and glorious leader Fin have collapsed. Fin orchestrated collapsing the wormhole before deciding it was already late enough. I'm keen to take another look around w-space in the hopes of finding an exit close to Jita so I can buy a new and expensive toy. I ...

Two Hulks, one point

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Look at all of these anomalies. It looks like we are due a passing fleet any day now. Until then, I'll be my own passing fleet of one, scanning my way out of the home w-space system and in to our neighbouring class 3 system. There's not much to see ...