Baffling some battleships

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Preparation for moving between w-space systems continues. We have a scanned exit to low-sec empire space available through a class 2 system, but the second static wormole in the C2 hasn't yet been found. It will head further in to w-space but that connection may present a better exit, even ...

Escorting, roaming, hauling

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

The constellation is mapped, leading a merry route four systems to high-sec empire space. I think I'll take my Manticore stealth bomber out for a roam and see what I can find. Our neighbouring class 4 w-space system is compact and empty, letting the directional scanner see all of nothing ...

Taking the scenic route home

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

The atmosphere at the tower is pricked by the scent of blood. A new wormhole connects to us from a class 2 w-space system and our scout finds a Cormorant destroyer salvaging on the other side. There are also a few Drake battlecruisers creating the Sleeper wrecks to be salvaged, ...

Spot the ambush

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

I'm trapped. I've jumped in to a class 4 w-space system after following a Helios covert operations boat in the hopes of finding activity and, as a reminder to be careful what you wish for, found plenty. A pair of interceptors and a couple of strategic cruisers are camping their ...

Stalking strategic cruisers

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

The new static wormhole leads to a new constellation. All the systems will need to be scanned for wormhole connections in and out, or we could get lucky and find four strategic cruisers engaging Sleepers in our neighbouring system. Checking the directional scanner after jumping through our new static wormhole ...

Temporarily trapping a Tengu

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Some systems seem simply neglected. Jumping in to our neighbouring class 4 w-space system for today brings me to a system I last visited six weeks ago. Not only was it unoccupied then and remains unoccupied now but there are dozens of signatures scattered around the system. ...

Buying another replacement heavy interdictor

Monday, September 6th, 2010

I need a replacement Onyx. My heavy interdictor has just been blown up by some battleships and strategic cruisers. As luck would have it, there is an available exit to high-sec empire space that I can use. The route to the exit wormhole passes through the system ...

Turning the tables

Sunday, September 5th, 2010

It is a good time to explore. The home system's static wormhole has only just been found and opened, and today's neighbouring class 4 w-space system holds a tower. I warp to the wormhole and jump through, locating the tower by using the directional scanner. I have ...

Roaming w-space

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

The w-space constellation is already scanned and mapped. I can take my Manticore stealth bomber out directly, each wormhole on the route located and bookmarked. I am warned of a cloaking Tengu strategic cruiser having been spotted roaming around, which is good to know in advance. Our ...

The only difference between a Basilisk and Guardian is the Guardian's not on fire

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

Probes on the directional scanner halts a corporation fleet's Sleeper engagement. The fleet changes from remote-repairing battleships to PvP ships and seeks the source of the scanning probes. A Rifter frigate in the neighbouring system is suggestive but is likely bait. Jumping through to the next system ...