Autopilot back to HQ

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Alone at the tower means more scanning. Maybe we should invent a technology for more reliable passageway through w-space, perhaps some kind of 'gate' that links two star systems together. Until this marvellous new invention becomes a reality, I borrow the Buzzard again to try to find a ...

Occupied w-space benefits scanning an exit

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

Another day to scan. Ignoring the anomalies in our home system reveals the latest wormhole quickly enough, and I jump through in my borrowed Imicus. A quick check of the directional-scanner is always prudent when entering a new system, although I'm not quite sure if I should do ...

Requiem for a Crane

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

Farewell, Tigress II. Shortly after piloting my blockade running transport ship back home to w-space with my new Manticore stealth bomber, the Crane gets targeted by hostile capsuleers when picking up a load of mined ore. I imagine it doesn't take long for the ambushing Proteus to rip ...

Collapsing a static wormhole only creates another

Monday, December 28th, 2009

I have an idea. I need to go out of w-space to New Eden to make it happen, so it's good fortune that I was last refreshing my industrial research at the corporation's high-sec tower. However, the current entrance to w-space is reportedly approaching the end of its ...

Going deeper in to w-space

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

The man with the scanner finds an opportunity. A wormhole leads to a class 4 w-space system that itself holds a static wormhole to another class 4 system. Having access to a wormhole that leads to an arbitrary class 4 w-space system is a big improvement from our ...

Klingon manoeuvres

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Patience is a virtue, and capsuleers of stealth bombers need to have it in abundance. Sitting in their lair of a quiet pocket of space, waiting for unsuspecting pilots to wander in to the kill zone, stealth bombers are not ships for the impatient. I can't be entirely ...

Avoiding an ambush

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

There is some excitement in the wormhole engineers channel. It seems I turn up shortly after a Curse is popped and its pilot podded, and there is much adrenaline being pumped around. I would be more excited if I knew what a Curse is, still not really doing ...

Salvaging voluminous battleship loot

Friday, October 30th, 2009

The Crane makes quick work of getting me back to my mission base. I jump pod in to A Matter of Brevity, one of my Drakes. When I catch up with the my two corporation colleagues it looks like we are running level four missions, judging by the ...

Manufacturing and minerals

Thursday, October 29th, 2009

It's quiet, which is good. A quick dash back from the corporation HQ to my manufacturing base lets me get some production runs started, once I identify the few gaps in my output that appear in my recent absence. Not being a natural miner, I unsurprisingly don't have ...

Returning from shore leave

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

I'm returning from some planetside furry rest and relaxation. A handful of days doesn't sound long, but when they are spent in relative isolation, with only personal-distance communication, there is plenty to catch up with when getting back in the pod. My first task is to refresh my ME research ...