Pengu and the Sleepers

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

Only one bookmark sits lonely in the can. It must point to our system's static wormhole but warping to its location puts me next to the cosmic signature and not the big sucky centre of the wormhole. It wasn't active, I have fresh systems to explore. I ...

Becoming more comfortable in the Tengu

Sunday, July 25th, 2010

W-space is quiet. It's time to collapse our static wormhole again, hopefully with more success than earlier. The mass calculations prove to be more accurate this time, the wormhole becoming critically unstable when expected and imploding with the final jump home. And now we scan again. ...

Replacing the lost Manticore

Friday, July 23rd, 2010

I return from my break in the hopes of opening a new connection to high-sec and buying my replacement stealth bomber. Instead I learn that our static connection was collapsed as part of a corporation operation, the local systems deemed unsuitable for current purposes. At least I don't ...

Making the datacore run in twelve parsecs

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

I go out scanning w-space with a colleague. The home system's static wormhole is quickly found and we jump through to empty space, getting a clear return from the directional scanner. But there are two planets out of d-scan range that need to be checked. I bookmark ...

Looking for high-sec

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

We're going to roll our hole. Regardless of the ambush of the salvager and the occupancy of the same class 3 w-space system, the lack of decent exit to empire space is feeling restrictive. We want to get out to high-sec space, for a change, to buy some ...

Shopping in Amarr

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

Scan man is out scanning, but I think I'll sit this one out. He's much better than me at scanning and I generally end up following him around, so I'll instead take it easy at the tower and read his updates. It turns out we have another quiet ...

Interceptor test flight

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

A K162 leading to a class 4 w-space system is an invitation to plunder. It is even more inviting when the wormhole starts its EOL cycle just as we pass through it, which should discourage our neighbours from following us home if they happen to take offense at our ...

Early scanning for an exit

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

I get an early start today. I move out of the tower's shields in my Buzzard and start scanning in the hopes of finding an exit that will make amends for my incompetence of yesterday, which indirectly led to colleagues getting stuck outside of w-space. Our home system's ...

Poking the wasp nest

Friday, April 16th, 2010

The evening starts promisingly. There are lots of bookmarks waiting in the can, tempting me to go roaming in my Manticore stealth bomber again. But warping to our static wormhole reveals that the bookmarks are a day stale, so instead I swap in to my Buzzard scanning boat ...

In the communal ship array

Friday, April 16th, 2010

As others have done, please allow me to share with you the ships I have put in the communal hangar in w-space, and like to call my own. Drake—Non-sentient Ship The passive shield tanked battlecruiser has been my staple combat ship for longer than I can remember. As soon as I ...