Scouting for targets

Monday, June 13th, 2011

It looks like our tower is under attack! A rather puny attack against one gun, but it's still damage inflicted on us. This means war. After which many used to buy bulk ammo online to keep themselves safe.Or maybe it means Mick was testing his tower defence skills, where the ...

Isolated Sleeper combat

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

There is movement afoot in a nearby class 4 w-space system. An Anathema covert operations boat may be headed my way, spotted by glorious leader Fin sitting on the K162 connection between our neighbouring C3 and the C4. She has scouted the system and seen a couple of combat ships ...

Dodging Dominix

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Lots of ships could mean activity, but most of them are merely parked. A new class 3 w-space system to explore holds a Brutix battlecruiser, Buzzard covert operations boat, three Dominix battleships, a Drake battlecruiser, two Raven battleships, a Scorpion battleship, and a Scythe cruiser for Mick to see on ...

Too much space, not enough stupid

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Like day-old bread, the bookmarks in our shared can have gone stale. Instead of having an easy ride to explore w-space I first need to scan, which thankfully our sparse system makes easy. I resolve our static wormhole and note that no other connections are present at home, before jumping ...

Scanning never ends

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

I was hoping to stay in my Buzzard for a while, and it looks like I will. Pilots coming and going, and a Tengu strategic making a target of itself put me in and out of my covert operations scanning boat, seeing me try to juggle finding wormholes and stalking ...

Tracking local activity

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

Finding the static wormhole is easy when it remains in the same place as yesterday. And as much as a time saving as that is I remain happy that jumping in to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system is different each time. Today I see a Buzzard covert operations boat ...

Irritating an Iteron

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

A couple of anomalies start the evening off with profit. There is not much else to do in this class 3 w-space system, being unoccupied and empty, just as it was six weeks earlier on my last visit. Knowing I am looking for a static exit to null-sec k-space makes ...

Continuing where we left off

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

The fleet and its bait are gone. Fin supposes a new wormhole has entered in to our neighbouring system, catching us by surprise. This is why Fin's the brains of the operation, I was just singing happy tunes in my head. Now that I can again come out of the ...

Running in to a Revelation

Friday, May 27th, 2011

So much for my not expecting to find anything. Mick takes a better look around the class 5 system in today's w-space constellation and gets a second interesting signature, a K162 coming in from deadly class 6 w-space. He saw a Broadsword heavy interdictor sitting on the wormhole but it's ...

Taking the back route home

Friday, May 27th, 2011

Fin's coming home. After being caught on the wrong side of a collapsing wormhole, being guided through some null-sec space, and settling in a class 5 w-space system for a night, there now exists a relatively safe path to bring our glorious leader back to our class 4 pulsar home. ...