Shooting the greys

Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Fin's fickle agent still snubs me. If that's the way it's going to be, I'll look for capsuleers to shoot in w-space. I take my Tengu strategic cruiser to look for wormholes in high-sec, finding nothing in the home system and a single wormhole in the next system along. Sadly, ...

Finding the right system

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

Despite there being stargates all around I'm going out scanning. Having moved my covert exploration Tengu strategic cruiser to our mission base I may as well make use of it. Besides, I still can't access the agent Fin uses, although I probably ought to get more involved in running missions ...

Scanning goes nowhere

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

All is quiet at home, and with only one wormhole to find I jump through to our neighbouring system. My directional scanner shows me two towers in this class 3 w-space system, but no ships that would indicate signs of activity. I launch probes to perform a blanket scan of ...

Back to the routine

Monday, July 4th, 2011

My first day home, what shall I do? I know, I can scan! Oh, how exciting. But it might actually be, as I briefly see a Rifter frigate on my directional scanner, giving me a feeling there is more than one wormhole to find today. Before I can start looking ...

Staying out for a salvager

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

Intelligence puts our lingering hostiles out of our home w-space system, and hopefully it is safe to go back. But getting home is not as simple as scanning from empire space, because to reach a specific w-space system you need to scan from the inside out. This is why Constance ...

Selfishly exploding

Friday, June 24th, 2011

Another early start today, this time looking for an exit. Glorious leader Fin is out in empire space, stranded from the home w-space system after yesterday's ambush and prolonged sortie from the attackers. All is quiet and there is only a single wormhole to resolve, letting me jump through to ...

Local intelligence

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

It seems I'm active a little too early today. Resolving the only wormhole in our home system drops me out of warp on top of a rather wobbly connection, it being the aged one from yesterday instead of a fresh link. Doing some sums shows that it should die of ...

Road to nowhere

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

I feel relaxed enough to start the evening updating my bookmarks for all the sites in our home w-space system. We really don't have many to keep track of, and any gravimetric or ladar mining sites are activated upon discovery, leaving only anomalies and, as of today, a handful of ...

Tackling a Tengu

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

It's just me, Fin, and some combat probes in our home system today, and the probes are Fin's. I turn up just as our glorious leader has resolved the static wormhole and she warps the two of us in its direction. Having found the wormhole it's only fair that Fin ...

Bumping in to danger

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

All is quiet. At least, for us. Mick and I have popped a Noctis salvager in a class 2 w-space system connecting to our home, and are leaving that system behind to find nothing happening through our static wormhole. Neither the neighbouring C3 nor the C5 connecting in to that ...