Trying to stay safe

Friday, August 5th, 2011

There's some activity today, but sadly only in a w-space system far away. One of our colleagues has got himself isolated and is passing the time by ninjaing Sleeper loot from under the noses of a couple of dreadnoughts. At least, he is until Sleeper frigates get hold of him, ...

Hunting a Hoarder

Thursday, August 4th, 2011

There's no one here. I'm used to that from our lesser populated class 4 w-space home but I thought our second tower in the rather more demanding class 5 system would have a little more bustle to it. I could hide somewhere too and get an early night for a ...

Let wormholes guide me

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

I turn up to find not much happening, mostly some corporation colleagues taking advantage of an exit to high-sec empire space to do some shopping. I have nothing I need to buy and our static wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime, but it should have a couple ...

Staying on the inside

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Why am I waking up in a class 3 w-space system? It must have been quite a night. Ah, now I remember, we were waiting for a scout nine jumps from home and the universe disappeared. Rather than stay up far too late in the hopes of dashing back home, ...

Nine systems deep

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

The end of our w-space constellation still hasn't been found. Glorious leader Fin is out scanning and is 'in C5d jumping in to C3a', or in the fourth class 5 w-space system we've encountered in our path and jumping in to the first class 3 system. All I need to ...

Scanning and scouts

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

I'm taking an early look around this morning. My initiative may pay off too, as there are two wormholes to be found in the class 5 w-space bivouac. One is the static connection to a class 4 w-space system, the other is a K162 coming from deadly class 6 w-space. ...

From snake to salvager

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

I'm still in the class 5 w-space system bivouac, but glorious leader Fin is elsewhere. She's only as far as the neighbouring C4, scanning the constellation, so I go out to join her. There are two Orca industrial command ships, a Rorqual capital industrial ship, and a Tempest battleship all ...

Changeable conditions

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

A corporation fleet is in our neighbouring w-space system shooting Sleepers. I could join them, if I were feeling sociable, or I could scout for the safety of the fleet, which suits me better. My choice is helped in that a Buzzard has been detected by the fleet in the ...

This one's for me

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

I'm back, let's see what's happening. It looks like it's just me still, I may as well take my covert Tengu strategic cruiser out for a roam to see if the neighbours have woken up. Hullo, warping to the tower in the class 4 w-space system next door has a ...

Watching the ships coming in and going out again

Friday, July 15th, 2011

Fin's popping rats, I'm looking for w-space. Scanning the home system in high-sec empire space finds no signatures of interest, and one system across only holds a couple of Gurista hideouts. The third system I scan is more interesting, with two K162s coming from class 2 w-space present. I pick ...