Scanning empty space still takes time

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

My little corner of space looks pretty quiet, which is a pleasant start to the evening. Launching scanning probes, blanketing the system, and warping to a more central point shows the home system to be clear of hostile ships and unexpected signatures, which lets me take time to see what ...

Wormholes lead to wormholes

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

Add skill, hit apply, and quickly! Phew, having an unscheduled lack of net connection for a full weekend drained my skill queue, which threw me in to a mild, uh, feeling of ennui, really. What's a few hours here or there? And even once the net connection was restored I ...

If a ship pops without a pilot, does it go on the killboard?

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

Running solo, I scan the home system. It's all clear here, just as it looks on the other side of our static connection. My directional scanner shows me nothing of interest in C3a. Well, nothing of direct interest, but I note that the only planet that is in d-scan range ...

Iterons galore

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

Scanning new rocks and a new wormhole is not particularly exciting. A second wormhole on the outskirts of our home system being a K162 from class 2 w-space is rather more interesting, though. And it gets better, as jumping in to the C2 sees a tower and Iteron hauler on ...

Stacking up the stealth bombers

Saturday, April 14th, 2012

Maybe today I'll go out exploring. Yesterday's static wormhole was already in its death throes the first time I warped to it, stopping me in my tracks. Although it collapsed whilst Fin and I were Sleepering, ostensibly creating a new wormhole in its place waiting to be found today, the ...

Death to the wormhole

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

A new day. Nothing's happening in the home system, with the static wormhole being the only changed signature under my probes, which makes a pleasant change. With only one direction to go, I resolve our connection, warp to it, and, um. Oh. The wormhole is groaning like a Fenrir ...

Claiming the victory

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

I don't think I thought through my suicide run thoroughly enough. Oh sure, I was confident I had a good chance of evading the waiting fleet, I knew there was a connection to high-sec empire space available if I got in to trouble, and I specifically checked that our wallet ...

Strategic cruising in class 2 w-space

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Fin's been, scanned, and gone. That'll save me some time! Or it should, if w-space weren't so bally changeable. I launch probes to scan the home system and find two signatures unaccounted for by the current collection of corporate bookmarks. That's still better than resolving the lot, though, and it ...

Hunting a hacking Heron

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

All looks quiet at home, but looks can be deceiving. Our tower has been busy whilst we were sleeping, getting hold of and popping a Raven battleship that was, um, maybe wandering by? I can't really say, although I'd like to know the story behind his fate at the hands ...

Scanning a chain of class 2 w-space systems

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

I pause in the home system to activate a new ladar site, the stupid gas delaying today's exploration of w-space. We're keeping on top of our sites, though, ensuring scanning remains manageable. The anomalies are another matter, but I quite like having plenty of them around as honeytraps for passing ...