First blood

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

I wake up at the tower in w-space in a freshly cleaned system, shortly after the galaxy has been rebooted. I am ready to enjoy a relaxing time scanning. I even find a wormhole on the first signature I resolve! Of course, it helps that the two ...

Green tick for some, not for others

Monday, March 8th, 2010

Getting back to the corporation tower in w-space, I notice our new recruit is out mining in the system. The directional scanner finds his Retriever mining barge in the system, which I recognise by its name, as well as picking up the presence of a few jet-cans. I ...

Capturing explosions

Monday, March 1st, 2010

'We need to do this in an organised way.' The expected sarcastic replies come quickly. But moving bookmarks between ships is a painfully slow process that isn't helped when several engineers all want access at once. The suggestion is to copy all the bookmarks in to your ...

Chasing crokite

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

It's a quiet evening in w-space that doesn't require any scanning for a change. But a lack of scanning and combat can only mean it's time for a mining operation. I prepare my still-not-quite-destroyed Retriever and head out with a couple of other pilots to find some bistot. ...

Going deeper in to w-space

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

The man with the scanner finds an opportunity. A wormhole leads to a class 4 w-space system that itself holds a static wormhole to another class 4 system. Having access to a wormhole that leads to an arbitrary class 4 w-space system is a big improvement from our ...

Crane for sale, only 28 AU on the clock

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

Perhaps a day too late, I invent a Crane. My partner in invention gets an early success with a Bustard BPC coming out of the laboratory, although the cost in datacores is quite high considering the number of failed attempts that come out at the same time. Undeterred, ...