My first battleship

Friday, November 5th, 2010

Fortune smiles on us. A route to empire space is found right on our door-step, a K162 found in our system that connects us to high-sec space, and the exit system is only four hops from Jita. I have a plan for bringing my ships back in to w-space, but ...

Taking down the tower

Monday, November 1st, 2010

The tower is coming down. Peacefully, though. Most of our ships and other assets are already in empire space, now it is time to start unanchoring defences and modules, shipping them out of w-space in to temporary storage. My Crane transport ship is already sitting in a station somewhere in ...

Escorting, roaming, hauling

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

The constellation is mapped, leading a merry route four systems to high-sec empire space. I think I'll take my Manticore stealth bomber out for a roam and see what I can find. Our neighbouring class 4 w-space system is compact and empty, letting the directional scanner see all of nothing ...

Claiming a Covetor's crokite

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

The corporation is giving the wormhole a little push. It already looks quite wobbly but we'd rather it collapse now to give us new w-space systems to explore. I am doing my bit to help, by sitting cloaked at a distance. Collapsing wormholes fascinates me like a fiery ship explosion; ...

Mangling a miner

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

I'm back in my Buzzard and scanning. Our neighbouring w-space system has been purged of the mining menace and is again safe to patrol, allowing me to explore further afield in my covert operations boat. My probes are launched and being used to look for wormholes, but I ...

What's left behind

Sunday, June 20th, 2010

An alliance member needs to be guided out of w-space. Taking him along the route gives me a chance to passively scout our neighbourhood a little. I warp the pair of us between wormholes, waiting for him to bookmark them for his return journey, and keep an eye ...

Piracy pays

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

I'll take a look around our neighbourhood. I explored earlier and have bookmarks for all the wormholes I found, plus one I missed, and a few sites of interest. My first stop is the class 3 w-space system that is connecting in to us. There is a ...

Parasitic mining

Monday, May 10th, 2010

A target is spotted. Glorious leader Fin is heading out to high-sec empire space to buy fuel for our w-space tower when one of her regular checks of the directional scanner, necessary for survival in w-space, reveals a Covetor mining barge somewhere in the system. The Covetor is ...

Exploring a quiet neighbourhood

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

A can of BMs appeals to the explorer in me. It's true that my scanning skills have improved, partly through experience and partly because of better equipment, and part of the thrill in exploring is finding the route in the first place, but when the wormholes connecting systems are ...

Poking the wasp nest

Friday, April 16th, 2010

The evening starts promisingly. There are lots of bookmarks waiting in the can, tempting me to go roaming in my Manticore stealth bomber again. But warping to our static wormhole reveals that the bookmarks are a day stale, so instead I swap in to my Buzzard scanning boat ...