Missing gas and getting rocks

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

There is w-space activity today, but it may already be too late for me. 'I spooked their salvager', Mick tells me of a corporation in a class 4 system connecting to our neighbouring C3. Mick's now sitting in a cloaked heavy interdictor on the K162 in the C3 waiting for ...

Scouting for targets

Monday, June 13th, 2011

It looks like our tower is under attack! A rather puny attack against one gun, but it's still damage inflicted on us. This means war. After which many used to buy bulk ammo online to keep themselves safe.Or maybe it means Mick was testing his tower defence skills, where the ...

Isolated Sleeper combat

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

There is movement afoot in a nearby class 4 w-space system. An Anathema covert operations boat may be headed my way, spotted by glorious leader Fin sitting on the K162 connection between our neighbouring C3 and the C4. She has scouted the system and seen a couple of combat ships ...

Sleepers and rats

Saturday, June 4th, 2011

Home, C3, low. The constellation is nice and simple today, and I don't even need to scan it myself. Bookmarks have been left in our shared can and I copy they to my nav-comp, but am told that the class 3 w-space system is boring. I generally like to see ...

Finding the wrong fight

Monday, May 30th, 2011

That Drake isn't looking for me. When I saw the battlecruiser on my directional scanner I thought it was a reaction to my chasing a Helios covert operations boat, who used a lazily predictable position to launch scanning probes. But Sleeper wrecks are slowly starting to appear, placing the ship ...

Stinging a Scorpion

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

Glorious leader Fin's trying to clear some gas, so I think it's best I leave the system for a bit. The static wormhole is easy to find, perhaps a bug surfacing in the Sleepers' technology causing it to appear in the same place as yesterday, and I jump in to ...

Crossing paths with a scanner

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

The wormhole's moved today, so much for it being static. I'm back to scanning for its location before I can jump in to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, where I find myself revisiting the home of the mighty ducks. It looks like I won't have a hunting ground today, ...

Scanning and collapsing

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Sites are popping up everywhere in the home system. Our recent spate of invaders has calmed down, no longer rampaging through our system whilst we sleep, stealing profit that we'd never realise anyway, and the local concentrations of rocks and gas are beginning to build up again. I am mostly ...

Engage and retreat

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Ah, great days. The last time I was in this class 3 w-space system we pop a Machariel battleship, narrowly missing getting a second kill too. That was ten months ago, though, and the two ships I can see on my blanket scan of the system are not where I ...

In pursuit of planet goo

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Hooray, no scanning today! A bookmark labelled with our static wormhole is waiting for me in the shared can, letting me warp right out to get a jump on exploration. Except I drop out of warp in empty space, the bookmark being a day old, and I need to scan ...