Stalking, scanning, and Sleepers

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

Fin's watching an Anathema. She's in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, waiting to see if the piloted covert operations boat will move. I haven't even found our static wormhole yet. I've only just arrived, though, and with a bit of a headache. Fin lets me know the signature identifier ...

Bumping a Bestower

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

I'm hoping for a more manageable constellation today, but give myself an early start in case it is just as meandering as yesterday's. I make a brief diversion in our home system to activate a new ladar gas harvesting site before jumping in to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system ...

Salvaging Sleepers and stealth bombers

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Nom nom nom, I wonder if anyone's appeared in our neighbouring class 3 system yet. I can't say for sure, but I know that glorious leader Fin is in our w-space home. She reports that the two ageing wormholes I resolved earlier have died, which should prevent angry strategic cruisers ...

Another empty ambush

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

I've scanned the w-space constellation and found it bare. I had to stop with the minimal route, our neighbouring class 3 system having a single wormhole exiting to low-sec empire space, and the low-sec system also holding no other wormholes. I am returning after a short break with the intent ...

Housewarming in the cold of space

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

I'm fed and watered, and ready to see if my earlier reconnaissance will reap any rewards. Before I get carried away looking for targets I launch probes and scan the home system, ensuring I'm not about to be made a target myself. No new connections have opened up here, so ...

Laying the spacework

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

I'm taking time to make an afternoon reconnaissance of w-space, hopefully laying the groundwork for later ambushes. Or spacework. Either way, I start as I always do by scanning the home system. All looks normal and I resolve our static wormhole, letting me jump to our neighbouring class 3 system. ...

Plenty to scan, little to shoot

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

I fancy a short poke around tonight's w-space constellation before settling down at home with some hot chocolate. Something simple, not too involved. There is no change in the home system from yesterday, which is a good start, leaving me to resolve the static wormhole and jump in to our ...

Unspectacular scanning and sitting in a new ship

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

All looks quiet at home, just an ordinary day. I know it's not going to be, but first I will scan and look for trouble, to keep me amused during this last short period of waiting. My folder of old bookmarks remains from yesterday, which I still refuse to discard ...

Ships passing in the night

Saturday, November 19th, 2011

An empty home system makes for a relaxing start to the evening. Scanning finds three new signatures, a magnetometric site I make a note of, a ladar site I activate, and the static wormhole to class 3 w-space. Home system map updated, I jump out to explore. My directional scanner ...

Not trusting a truce

Friday, November 11th, 2011

I'm back and keen to know what's happening. Glorious leader Fin is here, which is good, but she's unresponsive, which isn't as good. Whilst I wait to get a response I warp across to our home system's static wormhole and jump in to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, looking ...