I'm not entirely sure what's happening in Splat Zones (13-4, Tri-slosher)

30th July 2017 – 7.00 am

I start on the right, so I head down the right. But I get splatted immediately so often for heading to the other Splat Zone that I sometimes try to be a bit more careful, so I turn towards our Splat Zone when I hit the main area. It's good that I do, because no one else looks to be pausing to capture it. Well, expect the Carbon Roller, who looks to flick the deciding ink because my bucket just isn't quick enough. At least she's here.

A bit of patrolling the lanes keeps our Splat Zone safe, and me, but a hit with a Disruptor urges me forwards. My Bubbler charges and is ready too, which helps, but I clearly am not following all the action as it occurs. Even when the Carbon Roller mis-times her flick, I am still caught out when my Bubbler actually dissipates.

Inking a secondary path to the Splat Zone for security seems like a good idea. All seems well, though. But not for long, as the yellow team surge forwards. I do my bit to keep the yellow inklings and ink away from the Splat Zone, even when I somehow forget what button does what, and reset my viewpoint by accident when a brush is bearing down on me.

Spurred on by this good result, I patrol a little and give chase to a Disrupted bucket. I find my target and get the splat, which puts me next to the yellow Splat Zone. I turn that purple, as it should be, before heading back towards our own, through an awful lot of yellow ink. I kinda see the Ink Mine, but my reactions just won't let me do anything about it. So it goes.

Some more patrolling is in order, and I follow the yellow ink around. I find myself in front of an Inkzooka without realising, the best way to be in front of one, and splat her before she does too much damage. Even so, as I push up the corridor to the yellow Splat Zone, the damage is done. Both Splat Zones are yellow. Well, I can capture one or the other, and I'm headed to one, so continue.

My Bubbler protects me from an Ink Mine, and the Rapid Blaster that owns the Ink Mine, and a bit of self-preservation instinct gets me away before my Bubbler runs out. I somehow turn the tables and splat the Rapid Blaster from my retreated position, and despite lacking ink, manage to recover enough to splat the Carbon Roller too. It's a shame the Slosher appears when it does.

Our Splat Zone seems safe when I pass it, and the sound I hear is the yellow one being neutralised. I join my squidmates in trying to capture it, getting a weirdly delayed Disruptor hit, but pretty immediate splatting from the Carbon Roller. It was her or the Rapid Blaster, I was not in a good position.

I'm glad for the ink trail I made earlier, although it seems our Splat Zone isn't quite as contested as the splat-cam suggested it might be. Not immediately, at least, but the threat is coming. The Rapid Blaster appears, and Bubblers, but a nice bit of manoeuvring gets me out of harm's way. As she looks in the wrong direction, I survive a bump by the Carbon Roller, and get just enough ink out of the bucket to splat the injured Rapid Blaster squidding past.

Again, I press high, hoping to capture the yellow Splat Zone as a more defiant gesture than capturing our own. I don't quite neutralise it, but push through to cause some irritation, which I think I achieve, before heading back to capture the Splat Zone properly. Just in time, too. I join a squidmate in pressing the corridors, her retreat handily masking my advance, and with the Slosher splatted I return to the Splat Zone to have the Rapid Blaster jump in to my way. Nice!

A little more ink ensures control of the Splat Zones remains mixed, so that, as the battle ends, there is no extra time, and we are the victors. Woomy!

Painting it purple in Splat Zones (5-1, Carbon Roller Deco)

29th July 2017 – 7.00 pm

Starting on the right of the base sends me to the right corridor. And back to the left to help with the Splat Zone, as it turns out. I stick by the Splat Zone area for now, sending Seekers up the corridors to ink paths here and there for easier movement, whilst hanging back in case of incursion.

An incursion finally comes, and I flail chaotically at the Luna Blaster, and nearly run in to a Splat Bomb. Thankfully, a squidmate helps me out, and I send a Seeker ahead of her and turn to tidy up a bit. Then I push forwards. Another squidmate helps incidentally, by finding an Ink Mine I would no doubt have run in to, and the inkling who may have placed it does me a favour by running in to the first Seeker of my Rush.

With sufficient pressure applied, and some ink, we capture both Splat Zones. A Rapid Blaster soon shows us how much pressure they can apply, and the yellow Splat Zone is turned away from purple again. A bit of defence on my return doesn't go amiss, and I move up when all looks healthy.

I hide whilst my longer-range squidmates take care of some yellow pressure, but I spy the moment I can be useful, and splat an inkling on a nearby ledge. Retreating from the Luna Blaster keeps me unsplatted, but she can't follow me without losing the Splat Zone.

A bit of manoeuvring on my part, and some additional pressure from a squidmate, gets the Luna Blaster splatted, and another squidmate adds ink to the Splat Zone to capture that, and restart our counter.

There's not much more to be done, although getting one last splat on a desperately super-jumping inkling is a nice finish to the battle. Woomy!

Coming from behind in Splat Zones (6-2, Carbon Roller Deco)

29th July 2017 – 7.00 am

Point Sensors are flying everywhere at the start of the battle! That's not good for me as a Carbon Roller, but neither is trying to compete against the range of, well, most other weapons. I don't last long. The yellow team dominate the Splat Zones. I decide to go the long way around.

All the way around. It's a situational move, naturally, and as there is no yellow ink at the side, and none up the side corridor, this seems like a pretty safe route to take. No yellow inklings are respawning either, so I can turn my back on their base safely.

As luck would have it, my Seeker Rush charges as I round the corner. These I send towards the Splat Zones, two of them finding unaware inklings, the others searching for others and inking the Splat Zones. I get a third splat with a decent couple of flicks against an inkling trying to come behind me, which I'm wise to.

The fourth splat happens because of a handy Point Sensor, and I run in to the inkling as I return to help with the Splat Zones, which are now a deep shade of blue. That's the yellow team taken care of, now to stick around and keep the turf blue.

I press high again when the corridor has barely been re-inked, and although I don't stop the Inkzooka I catch him with a second flick. That puts me nearly a wobbling Bubbler, helping splat the inkling inside when it dissipates. I try to flick ink over the Splatterscope on the crate, but she backs off and rolls a Splat Bomb down that I am too clumsy to avoid.

The Splat Zones are neutralised for a few seconds, but turned blue again without much fuss, and they stay that way for the short time left for us to get the knockout victory. Woomy!

Seeker splats in Splat Zones (9-3, Carbon Roller Deco)

28th July 2017 – 7.00 pm

Well, that Slosher wasn't the target of my Seeker, but I'm thankful he popped up there anyway. Right in the middle of the Splat Zone. Another Seeker just inks turf, which is fine, and the teal team are pushed back, allowing us to capture the Splat Zones. That's a good start.

I stumble in to the opposite Carbon Roller, who makes a roll for it, but I get my flick directed quickly enough. I feel confident now to push up a bit, but retreat as the Slosher sloshes in my direction. The Seeker doesn't find him, but I spot the trail in the ink just in time to splat the Luna Blaster.

I squid around and spy a teal inkling coming down the corridor. The jumping Seeker throw doesn't work, but thankfully I have enough ink left for a flick, just as the Carbon Roller appears in front of me. From there, a Seeker Rush bags me two more splats, which is just fabulous, until I finally squid myself on top of a nicely thrown Splat Bomb.

The teal team stop our counter, and start their own. That gives us a buffer, but our lead looks solid. So far, at least. I can't do much without ink to squid through, so I take my time and send Seekers out to help in my own little way. They add a minor threat, ink some turf, and charge my Seeker Rush, which does a whole lot more quickly.

I move up with the Seeker Rush, which splats another inkling for me, and find myself rather entwined with a couple of inklings. I'm happy to get out of it with another splat, rather than nothing, and we've recaptured the Splat Zones. That buffer is going down nicely.

I move up again, with all this turf to squid around in, but miss the Luna Blaster under my beak, who a squidmate saves me from. I try to flank the Inkzooka, but miss seeing the Slosher returning. So it goes. And it's fine, because the battle is won. Woomy!

Doing my best in S-Rank Splat Zones (4-3, Grim Range Blaster)

28th July 2017 – 7.00 am

I'm slipping out of S Rank, for which I am grateful. Some times it can't come too soon, sometimes I feel mildly competent enough. Starting this battle makes me feel somewhat competent, even though the first splat is a lucky one. I follow it with a fairly decent splat, although that was more a fault of the yellow inkling staying in the same place.

I try to hold the Splat Zones as long as possible, but am soon caught off-guard. But look at that inkling's kit. I am simply not that invested in winning. I hold back cautiously when Echolocated, feeling too vulnerable, and almost waste a Killer Wail to prevent being flanked. That wouldn't be too bad, I suppose, if I didn't then head straight in to that inkling. I'd hoped the Killer Wail would shroud me enough.

Realistically, my aim let me down. Yeah, I'm still a bit inaccurate. I don't think it will improve much more, but that's okay. I come back heading directly to the Splat Zones. They need purple attention badly. I get a nice splat from above, and somehow am missed by the Inkzooka, who gets hit by my Killer Wail. That's not bad!

I help to neutralise the Splat Zones for a moment, but a yellow inkling easily closes the range, mostly because of the abundance of yellow ink, and splats me back to base. There's not really much I can do from there.

Not a great battle for me, but given the stats of my squidmates I seem to have done relatively well.

A few blasts in Tower Control (11-7, Blaster)

27th July 2017 – 7.00 pm

No one's really going for the Tower at the start of the battle. That's probably wise, though. Personally, I'm on the grating because it seems like the best place to be with my Blaster, particularly as I'm lacking a reliable way to ink walls. My positioning pays off too, getting a splat from above, then from behind, and from below, until the last inkling stops me.

The yellow team have also taken the lead. I suppose that's what happens when you actually get on the Tower, rather than avoid it. I move to intercept the Tower, but kind of get stuck, with a Luna Blaster blocking my way. I make a fairly sensible decision not to run headlong in to them, and hop over the other way, but run in to them anyway. So it goes.

I do some tidying up next, always a good idea, inking over the yellow team's trails. The Luna Blaster heads back over the ramp to take advantage of ink not there any more, and it's good that they take a potshot at me. My squidmates are assaulting the Tower and have their backs to the Luna Blaster, so I protect their flank. Successfully, as it turns out. My flank gets hit soon after, though.

I get too close to the Luna Blaster next, before doing my best to clear the Tower amidst a Bomb Rush or two. That goes better than trying to squid away from the Luna Blaster. I needed more turf inked. Running in to the Mini Splatling with a Bubbler charged goes about as well as can be expected, and she starts making a mess of our side of the map. How uncouth. i do something about that as soon as I can.

Heading around the back, having fallen and not wanting to get back up, I send a Killer Wail in a good-looking direction. One inkling is caught immediately, a second lands a moment too soon. Nice! But my forward-inking isn't directly helping, the Tower not advancing. Indeed, the yellow team hop on again, and heading back to get them off has my facing the Luna Blaster again. He gets everywhere.

Less than a minute to go and we still haven't gone far on the Tower. Maybe this time! Who knows? It's changing tentacles twice a second. I aim a charged Killer Wail towards the Tower to clear the yellow team, but now it's ours again and I get confused. Ah, anywhere will do, which seems to help, and I can look forwards again to help there.

A squidmate saves me from the Luna Blaster, which is appreciated, and the Tower keeps coming. It keeps coming with full inkling support! One rides the Tower, the rest of us send ink all around. I may not get the splats above me, but that distracts the Luna Blaster as I come back around the corner, and a squidmate becomes a Kraken with excellent timing.

With seconds to go, we take the lead! It didn't really look like it was coming, but my squidmates saved their best effort till last. Woomy!

Crossing the bridge in Tower Control (5-2, Tri-slosher)

27th July 2017 – 7.00 am

I'm never quite sure what to do on Hammerhead Bridge. Straight down the middle doesn't seem sensible, but it's so skinny that hitting the sides rarely works. So, straight down the middle, just under the Tower, and hopefully pop up to splat an inkling. It nearly works!

I give chase to the inkling I pass, who is either very good at ignoring me, entirely oblivious to my presence, or accepting the inevitable splat but at his terms. As I've rounded the corner and my squidmates are pushing the Tower, I keep going to support it. I lob a Disruptor and pull back to avoid crowding one squidmate, and hop on the Tower next to me instead. I'm probably helping.

I hop off the Tower to defend against one inkling, which I just about manage, thanks to my Bubbler. My Bubbler will surely run out before the newly released Kraken, though, and squidding up the block to get away from it won't work when that's where she's going too. Thankfully, another squidmate takes the hit and my bucket sloshes upwards very nicely.

Despite my relatively good sense so far, I pretty much throw it all out the window when I think squidding right in to a Wasabi Splattershot is a good idea. We lose our position with the Tower, with no inklings on board, so it's the slow way back, but quickly back to the base again. That's something, I suppose.

My squidmates defend a bit better than me, and the Tower starts moving forwards again. I head along the bridge until it's clear I'm meeting zero resistance, and jump across to support the path of the Tower by, well, throwing a Disruptor in to a wall. Thankfully, I can do more than that when my Bubbler charges.

The Tower appears around the corner and I hop on. The teal team are coming back, and as the ink starts flying in both directions I pop the Bubbler, which gets shared around. With my Bubbler, a squidmate's Kraken, and some good defence, we ride the Tower calmly to the goal. Woomy!

Doing my bit for Tower Control (5-3, Tri-slosher)

26th July 2017 – 7.00 pm

I try my usual suicide run around the back of Kelp Dome, squidding towards the normal charger perch. The E-litre 3K Scope is there too, and although I get a good Disruptor throw, maybe I should have stuck with ink. I don't see which way the E-litre 3K drops until it's too late, and pay for it by hanging around in his sights. Silly me.

I head back the same way, because apparently I like punishing myself, and get punished for running in to a couple of inklings. At least I learn my lesson and head a different way. I like to think I'm defending the Tower's green progress, but my squidmates have done that and are pushing it the other way. Still, coming the long way around prevents them being flanked by the Luna Blaster.

I push up to support the Tower directly, and push a bit too far up. Maybe I don't learn. But, again, heading back the long way lets me see the E-litre 3K applying pressure, looking in the wrong direction even, and finally splat him, before moving up to actually support my squidmates properly.

The Tower is reciprocating a bit, but heading mostly forwards, and I push up aggressively, where a squidmate is already applying pressure. I squid around the side for a bit of safety, and get lucky when the Luna Blaster misses me at point blank range.

My Bubbler charges, as the Tower comes in to view! What good timing. I hop on to the Tower, pop my Bubbler, and enjoy the ride to the goal. Woomy!

Rolling 'round the Splat Zones (6-3, Carbon Roller Deco)

26th July 2017 – 7.00 am

I make my normal moves on Moray Towers Splat Zones, with the way looking clear, after securing our Splat Zone, to sneak around the side. There are no chargers, so I ignore the perch to wobble my way up behind a Seeker. I'm spotted, though, which isn't much of a surprise, and we muddle around until we splat each other. So it goes.

I take the cautious route back, getting above our Splat Zone, and actually manage to flick ink down enough to capture it. That's good, because my squidmates have the other Splat Zone capture, so we start our counter running. Nice! I tidy up a bit, and ink some turf just because, before moving on. Back around the side, and a crafty Seeker finds some vengeance, but my own craftiness doesn't work when a Carbon Roller stumbles in to me. It would be him, or the falling brush.

Back along the same route, throwing a Seeker that I have no idea how far it goes. I back off from an Inkstrike, also hearing the Brush apparently approach, and have to retreat a little to keep safe. A super-jumping squidmate looks to sneak under the brush, and I move back to get the splat. No Beakons are placed. Not that type of Brush, I suppose. I can't tell. Our Splat Zone is recaptured, the Inkzooka is avoided, and a Seeker Rush adds some ink and threat as I drop down.

I loiter with intent, looking to keep our Splat Zone safe. It looks pretty safe even without me, so I move on, squidding around the Carbon Roller this time to turn the tables. I get up to the top and roll around, making sure no squids are hiding, destroying a Beakon in the progress. Then flick ink to the Splat Zone below, and we're in control again.

One squidmate pushes further up the Towers aggressively. I follow, but I don't think I'm required, so just take care of the surrounding turf for now. I think I do okay, until my inking takes me away from a safe-looking Splat Zone that gets recaptured under my nose. And whilst our own Splat Zone is captured! Damn, my negligence has given us a massive buffer.

I move back to help recover the yellow Splat Zone, which I do with the helps of a squidmate, our other squidmates recapturing our own Splat Zone. We won't get the knockout victory, but we should win the battle.

With thirty seconds to go, I go through our Splat Zone and towards the yellow one, getting a fun Seeker splat on my way. A flick here and there, and we have control of both Splat Zones as the clock runs out, allowing me a couple of seconds for a little victory dance. Woomy!

Doubling up the splats in Splat Zones (8-4, Tri-slosher)

25th July 2017 – 7.00 pm

I don't rush to the Splat Zones. Our own doesn't get contested quickly on Moray Towers, which lets me ink a fuller path and build more of a Bubbler charge as I move. The Splat Zone is captured easily enough, and with no approaching threat I drop down. A green inkling is making a move to flank, so I cut back and put a stop to that nonsense.

Whilst I'm there, I move across the gap and to the green Splat Zone, which seems unattended. That's good, and I neutralise their Splat Zone as they neutralise ours with an Inkstrike. I finish the job, giving us a slight advantage, helped by my squidmates recapturing our Splat Zone and starting our counter. Nice!

I move up and around, keeping the Splat Zone inked and watching my back. An inkling approaches, and I approach with caution. Not quite enough caution, perhaps, but I slow her down pretty effectively. I ink an alternative path on my way back, and find a nice pair of targets when I hit the bottom. Splatting them lets me get back to the green Splat Zone, and although I squid underneath a Dynamo Roller, I don't squid quite far enough.

My bucket's ink doesn't reach where I want it to from the ledge, so drop down, being cautious whilst Echolocated. Some green ink comes from above and behind, forcing me to move away. I look for the source, and she falls past me. Sorted. I turn and actually splat an inkling, before finding myself too close to the Dynamo Roller again.

I miss the Dual Squelcher's return, but thankfully she doesn't want to catch me behind her just there. Instead, she races back up the ramps, looking to get in to a better position, which she does. I just about sneak close enough for my sloshes to count, though, stopping her properly this time. A drop down and squidding back around to a Splash Wall finds the pair from earlier, and splats them both again. I get a bit inky myself.

I move across to the green Splat Zone, still nice and purple, and give a victory 'Nice!', which, as usual, is a bit premature. Our counter stops at one, of all numbers, partly because the Dynamo Roller is flicking ink everywhere from above, partly because the Dual Squelcher splats me and I help to turn the Splat Zone green. Oops.

I move back quickly, looking towards the green Splat Zone, but turning towards ours. It's more important to keep our Splat Zone purple, prevent the green team capturing both zones and burdening us with a big buffer to work through. I work as a diversion from the green inklings there, and to slosh ink around, and my squidmates recapture the green Splat Zone. The battle is won, woomy!