Archive for the ‘Technical’ Category
Monday, June 7th, 2010
I changed the feed for Tiger Ears a while back. I wasn't sure what difference it would make and the change appeared to have no negative effects. However, if you only see partial posts in your newsfeed you may need to subscribe to the new Tiger Ears ...
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Tuesday, October 27th, 2009
If someone suggests that a modern graphical user interface is 'intuitive' to use, thus not needing to be learnt, I suggest pointing to the 'save' icon, which has a curious tendency to be a representation of a 3.5" floppy disk.
The demonstration works best when used with people who have never ...
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Monday, December 22nd, 2008
My desktop machine suffered from a failure, most likely the video card overheating. I take the machine in to the local authorised service centre and leave it to be diagnosed and fixed. When I call to get a report I am told that the problem was reproduced on ...
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Wednesday, December 17th, 2008
If only a melted video card were an EVE Online salvaged component, I would be happy to find one and sell it on the market for half-a-million ISK. Sadly, the melted video card is sitting in my computer.
I experienced a game freeze in World of Warcraft when running Gnomesblight ...
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Monday, November 3rd, 2008
When listening to music I generally listen to whole albums, played start to finish, rather than individual tracks. I find that, unlike for some other media, a great deal of satisfaction in listening to music comes from the expectation and gratification of knowing what is to come, so while ...
Posted in Audio, Technical | 2 Comments »
Saturday, November 1st, 2008
When I bought my new notebook last month I was fairly certain that Apple were going to update the product line soon afterwards. Nevertheless, I also knew that the notebook had much more capability than I needed, and so was suitable for any task I had planned for it, ...
Posted in Gaming, Personal, Technical | Comments Off on A month with my new notebook
Sunday, August 17th, 2008
It is possible to Cmd-tab out of EVE Online's Mac client to the desktop, using the key combination's normal function to change application focus. I have found that occasionally the Cmd key seems not to be recognised when doing this and instead the client only collapses all open informational ...
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Wednesday, August 6th, 2008
I don't play CDs that often any more, instead generally listening to my old third generation iPod, plugged in to my A/V system, playing all of my music on random album play. It is nice to be able to interrupt the iPod's playlist without losing its place by using ...
Posted in Audio, Technical | Comments Off on Fixing my CD player
Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008
I recently received another reminder that my hosting service was overdue for payment, having ignored the previous reminder. As my frustration was short-lived and I realised I bore no ill-will to the company, and that judging by the status reports their support service appears to have returned to the ...
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Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
I wrote before about how the keymapping for screen grabs in EVE Online is locked but makes no sense for the Mac version. The only solution I found was a general hint simply referring to the in-built screen grab mechanism in OS X, which is to hit Cmd-Shift-3.
I already ...
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