Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category

Becoming less clear in Invisibility Splatfest [887p, 10(3)-2, Tri-slosher]

Sunday, January 7th, 2018

I like the green bucket, and even though I'm not convinced it's the best choice for Turf Wars I'm sure I can at least be effective with it. Even so, our mixed-weapon group of invisibility inklings may be at a disadvantage to the all-shooter Flight team. Still, I make the ...

Splats around The Reef in Tower Control [22(1)-7, Tri-slosher]

Saturday, January 6th, 2018

My initial flank works quite well, but I really did have enough time to activate Ink Armour. So it goes. Surveying the situation on my return sees everything really quite orange. It's dangerous to rush in, so I measure circumstances briefly before moving. I get some nice splats, and help ...

Sloshing around the edges in Tower Control [20(5)-7, Tri-slosher]

Saturday, January 6th, 2018

Not a great Burst Bomb, straight in to the wall. Not great sloshing either, taking on the Slosher with my green bucket. I'm a little surprised we both got splatted. I hold back a bit as a result, which helps repel the first purple push, and only goes wrong when ...

Exploring the flanks of Starfish Mainstage in Splat Zones [16(4)-6, Tri-slosher]

Friday, January 5th, 2018

Straight for the flank, and I spy my first target about to squid up a wall. Not bad! What is bad is walking right in to the laser sight of the Splat Charger, even if it's not what splats me. I can be smarter than this. I try to be ...

Holding the turf in Splat Zones [9(3)-1, Tri-slosher]

Friday, January 5th, 2018

That first Burst Bomb is just getting my eye in, ignore it. It clearly works too, as I slosh effectively in and around the Splat Zones for a bit, getting a couple of splats and an assist before testing the Tri-slosher's range against the Splat Dualies. I would say it's ...

Fighting back the purple menace in Splat Zones [11(1)-4, Tri-slosher]

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

An aggressive move towards the Splat Zones is not quite what it seems. I just want to see what's happening from a good position, which is what I get. Sitting back once there lets me move opportunistically, whilst I also get a bit lucky when moving forwards to avoid ink ...

For the want of one egg in Salmon Run [20-15-12, 12/646]

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

Argh, the Nozzlenose! Well, I suppose firing it is much like the Tri-slosher, otherwise is a shooter-cum-Squiffer. Maybe Mr Grizz will be the one who makes me appreciate it. Or maybe not, with the skies darkening in the first wave in the Lost Outpost, which I'm barely familiar with. And ...

The quick and the splatted in Splat Zones [16(6)-1, Splattershot Jr]

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018

I get a bit lucky against the Aerospray looking for me, but luckier still when the Jet Squelcher drops next to me. I don't think he saw me. The Roller is a gift, though, and I finish off the set by venturing in to the Splat Zones, before cycling back ...

Doing pretty good in S-rank Rainmaker [6(1)-0, Splattershot Jr]

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018

I don't think I'm an S-rank player, but I've worked my way up here in Rainmaker. I get overwhelmed for my first couple of battles, but am encouraged when I drop back in to more of a support role in a battle that sadly didn't get recorded. I pull my ...

Coming from behind in Rainmaker [5(1)-1, Splattershot Jr]

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

This is a cautionary tale. Do not leave the Rainmaker unattended next to your podium covered in the ink of your opponents. That is all. Apart from: can I get a Woomy!