Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category

Helping the push in Rainmaker (5-1, Carbon Roller Deco)

Friday, May 5th, 2017

I've had my Blaster practice, lost a suitable amount of ranking points in the process, and swap to a more comfortable weapon to stop losing a rank itself. Out comes the Carbon Roller Deco, and hopefully I can gain enough ranking points to pull out the Blaster again tomorrow. There's only ...

The splats are against me in Rainmaker (5-8, Blaster)

Friday, May 5th, 2017

Phew, splatted mid-air by a jumping E-litre 3K. That doesn't bode well for my safety in this battle. And I show just a bit too much caution on my return versus a hiding green inkling, letting him launch an Instrike, but when my direct hit doesn't land for a whole ...

Hearing the Rainmaker dunked (7-6, Blaster)

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

The route off to the right on to the grating should be a good start for a Blaster, giving me a good view of what's going on, both of the Rainmaker and what's happening below. If only my range were a bit longer, I could splat that first inkling, and ...

Flicking like an idiot in Tower Control (10-2, Carbon Roller Deco)

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

Have I toned down my recklessness since the previous battle? Hell no! It was a lot of fun, and as long as my current rank enables me to have that fun my battling will probably remain a little loose. Of course, getting snap-splatted by the Splat Charger reminds me that ...

Rough splatting in Tower Control (17-5, Carbon Roller Deco)

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

I honestly think that battling with the Blaster is helping me improve my skill, even if I'm winning less than half of the battles. I'm also having as much as I would with other weapons. I pull out the Carbon Roller Deco purely to stop dropping below A-, as I ...

Super-quick comeback in Tower Control (6-2, Blaster)

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

Check out my bomb awareness now! I squid behind a Seeker overtaking me, and back off from a Suction Bomb lobbed over the Tower. I feel I'm improving in leaps and bounds. I even throw a Disruptor that probably hits. I don't see, and it's on the inkling on the ...

Bad bomb awareness in Tower Control (12-8, Blaster)

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

Here I go again, using the Blaster like a Tri-slosher, heading around the back to hope to surprise the charger. And somehow I surprise the charger! I think A- people are a bit more direct with their strategies and don't quite expect an inkling to play around the objective. That's ...

Being brushed aside in Tower Control (9-4, Blaster)

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

I'm continuing with the Blaster, as I think I'm quite enjoying it. It is certainly forcing me to play more sensibly, as the fire-rate is slow enough that I have to make each shot count, and if I rush forwards I will either have to be very good with my ...

Laggy splatting in Tower Control (17-5, Blaster)

Monday, May 1st, 2017

More Blaster practice! This time in Tower Control, where it is perhaps most effective. At least, in the right tentacles it is. I'm not sure that's me yet, particularly as I decide to go around the back of Kelp Dome even though there's no charger to charge for. I think ...

A few good moves in Splat Zones (6-3, Blaster)

Monday, May 1st, 2017

Time to pull out the Blaster again. It has been suggested that practising with the Blaster will improve my battles in general. We shall see. I've also read plenty of people saying that Blasters don't cover enough turf to be effective in Splat Zones. I don't think those people have ...