Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category

Sticking around the Splat Zones (6-1, Kelp Splat Charger)

Saturday, June 24th, 2017

That rotating central plinth in the Museum is a great place to plant a Sprinkler for Splat Zones. It also occasionally makes a great place to aim at sitting targets. If only my aim was better, I'd get more splats. Still, I'm spreading ink with each missed shot, and my ...

A few good splats around the Splat Zones (7-5, Kelp Splat Charger)

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Me and Slosher have the same idea to start the battle, and although we don't get to the Splat Zone in time to ink it, I hope that inking the way to this perch will pay off later. For now, I try to keep the channels blue, and clear up ...

More luck than judgment in Splat Zones (11-4, Carbon Roller Deco)

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

A Seeker or two to start the battle and get the ink flowing works well. Trying to squid up the rotating central plinth goes less well, and is a bit embarrassing. I don't really know how I'm not splatted off it either, but it's good that I both survive and ...

Needing a bit more range in Rainmaker (16-6, Tri-slosher)

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

That E-litre 3K on the other team makes me take the short-cut over the ramp to see if I can catch her out. I'm easily distracted by another inkling, though, particularly one that doesn't spy me. Following that line gets me an easy splat, and gets me under the laser ...

Lucky super-jump to the Rainmaker (7-5, Tri-slosher)

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

Checking my map as I head down the side doesn't see ink coming towards the ramp, so I ignore that area and go towards the Rainmaker. I go past the Rainmaker when I see the Splatterscope on the perch. She spots me, I dodge her shot, she dodges my bucket. ...

Some good luck, some bad luck, in Rainmaker (9-6, Carbon Roller Deco)

Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

It's a pretty cautious start for me, mostly because I'm not entirely sure how to start a Moray Towers Rainmaker battle with the Carbon Roller Deco. I think I do quite well. At least, my Seekers do. I'm happy to have somehow sneaked underneath the Rainmaker blast too, and make ...

Splats both ways in Rainmaker (12-7, Carbon Roller Deco)

Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

Trying to be conscientious about the objective doesn't go too well for me at the start of the battle. To be fair, I don't think flicking over that ledge is a good move for a Carbon Roller. I should remember that. I get lucky not being spotted dropping down the ...

Getting in to trouble in Splat Zones (6-1, Tri-slosher)

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017

I do like that side-route to start a Splat Zones battle on Walleye Warehouse, at least with my Tri-slosher. This time, an inkling is coming down the corridor I use to get behind their team, and I actually have the sense to avoid them, after throwing a Disruptor. It doesn't ...

Going behind the lines in Splat Zones (7-3, Tri-slosher)

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017

My gambit to go around the back pays off quite well. We lose the Splat Zones initially, and the green team takes an early but minor lead, but I get behind the opposition and get a triple-splat and help take control of the Splat Zones whilst they are all out ...

Manoeuvring patterns in Splat Zones (6-2, Tri-slosher)

Monday, June 19th, 2017

There are no chargers on the other team in this battle in Walleye Warehouse, but hitting the flank and coming out behind the opposition can still be quite effective. It's not as effective as I hope this time. I squeeze a double-splat out of my Tri-slosher before chasing ink splats ...