Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category

Finding my path in Rainmaker (8-4, Tri-slosher)

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

I'm trying not to get splatting right at the start of battles. It's about time, right? I'm not quite sure what else to do, though, which may be clear. I think what I do is delay how soon I get avoidably splatted. So it goes. I try a bit of ...

You need to pick up the Rainmaker (3-5, Tri-slosher)

Monday, August 7th, 2017

This Rainmaker battle starts out pretty normally, albeit with a splat-threatening stutter by me when trying to squid up a wall. I get myself in to a pretty good position, ink a fair path, and get surrounded by the opposition, whereupon I'm roundly splatted. It's good to see my squidmates ...

Cheeky rolling above the Splat Zones (7-4, Carbon Roller Deco)

Monday, August 7th, 2017

I find my Seekers work better when they are aimed straight down the corridors. They also get the occasional splat that I simply don't expect. I'd turn to find out which Seeker it was, but a Luna Blaster is getting close, and that's kinda dangerous. A missed flick or two ...

One-minute Splat Zones (3-0, Carbon Roller Deco)

Sunday, August 6th, 2017

Sticking around our side of the Splat Zones seems like a solid opening gambit, and we keep things a nice green for a while. But that Kelp Splatterscope on the perch looks menacing to me. Maybe I can do something about it. Normally, I'd head down the side, along the corridor ...

Last-ditch assault on the Splat Zones (10-8, Carbon Roller Deco)

Sunday, August 6th, 2017

I've thrown better Seekers in Port Mackerel, but at least my squidmate covers my error, and we both cover our Splat Zone. A bit of patrolling looks to go well, but the teal team make a coordinated push and throw enough ink everywhere to cause problems and capture both Splat ...

Behind the lines in Splat Zones (8-2, Tri-slosher)

Saturday, August 5th, 2017

I see that inkling coming towards the ramp. If I had known it was the Luna Blaster maybe I'd have turned away, but so it goes. The other way may suit me better, but sneaking up on inklings whilst Echolocated isn't as easy as it could be. I should think ...

By the skin of my beak in Splat Zones (16-10, Tri-slosher)

Saturday, August 5th, 2017

It's a bold move to go right around the back at the start of the battle, particularly as there isn't a charger to find on the usual perch. Naturally, the green team grab the unusually unguarded Splat Zones, and I hope to make up for my move with a few ...

Top cooperation in Splat Zones (5-2, Tri-slosher)

Friday, August 4th, 2017

My squidmate does all the good moves down the side channel at the start of this battle. Maybe I'm a minor distraction, helping her get the splats, but she gets the splats. They all count! She pushes higher, as I cross the bridge. I get one splat of my own, ...

Splatting all over the Splat Zones (15-4, Carbon Roller Deco)

Friday, August 4th, 2017

That Tri-slosher takes a few hits to splat. but I get him in the end, and avoid some purple threat from behind. The Splat Zones are ours, an Inkstrike helping, and a pause before heading up the wall helps me stay unsplatted for a bit longer. Sticking to the wall ...

Splat Zones and beyond (4-1, Carbon Roller Deco)

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

Aww yes, look at that Seeker right between the flower boxes. A quick jump and I'm meeting two purple inklings with my Carbon Roller, and discouraging another from coming up to the Splat Zones. Maybe he doesn't mind too much, with the range of that shooter. Do I hit him with ...