Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category

Weird glitching in Rainmaker (10-5, Splatterscope)

Saturday, September 2nd, 2017

In retrospect, that Slosher is not fully on the base at the opening of the battle. I doubt I thought anything of it at the time, and I took the weird glitching to perhaps be an artefact I'd not seen before, because of map, mode, and weapon combination. I think ...

Splats here and there in Rainmaker (9-3, Splatterscope)

Friday, September 1st, 2017

I'm in B+! This seems like a good time to practice with the Splatterscope. I've not played a scoped charger for a while, so hopefully the zooming won't be distracting, and I think the extra range will be required for bridging the gap across Moray Towers. But there's an E-litre ...

Making quick work of Squad Splat Zones (6-1, Tri-slosher)

Friday, September 1st, 2017

The Splat Zones are around here somewhere. Actually, I think I went past them. Never mind, I've found a charger to splat, and I slosh the back of the Roller as our Roller splats him too. A Blaster is hitting me from below, though, so I back off, which is ...

Against the S+ Sloshing Machine in Squad Splat Zones (12-9, Tri-slosher)

Thursday, August 31st, 2017

We have an S+ inkling in this squad battle. He's on the other team, with a Sloshing Machine. I like the ranking system because it pits me against inklings of a similar skill level. I don't much like squad battles (and smurfing) because of how this can subvert the ranking ...

Behind the lines in Squad Splat Zones (10-2, Tri-slosher)

Thursday, August 31st, 2017

I pull out my bucket to hopefully give myself a boost in squad Splat Zones, and immediately head right around the back of the yellow team. But there's no one there. No matter, I slosh ink around until an inkling appears, and I get a decent jump on the charger, ...

Early dunking, but good splats in Squad Splat Zones (13-6, Carbon Roller Deco)

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

I'm pairing up with AceThunder for some more squad battles, Splat Zones again. I pull out my Carbon Roller Deco, and promptly forget how to jump, landing me in the drink. I hope no one saw that. I remember how to jump soon enough, bagging me my first splat in ...

So many splats in Rainmaker (19-4, Carbon Roller Deco)

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

Going around the back could be said to be ignoring the objective, but it is normally good for getting splats, and splats can often help advancing the objective, as long as your team is in control. Thankfully, a squidmate grabs the Rainmaker and pushes as I come up behind the ...

Super-fast Walleye Warehouse Rainmaker (3-1, Carbon Roller Deco)

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

My first Seeker isn't great, hitting the wall on the ramp, but once I have enough ink for the next it carries me past the Rainmaker, where one inkling doesn't expect me, and the other doesn't react quickly enough. As a squidmate carries the Rainmaker, I indulge in some mutually assured ...

Rolling a squid down in Rainmaker (10-7, Carbon Roller Deco)

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

Whee, three Rollers! This can't go wrong. It goes well immediately, when the blue team ignore the Seeker trails, allowing me to get one slightly lucky splat, and roll around the container to get a second. The blue Roller eludes me, but is splatted by a squidmate, allowing us to ...

Splatty Resort Rainmaker (17-9, Tri-slosher)

Monday, August 28th, 2017

A bit of a pause and a good Disruptor throw gets me in to a great position for some early splats, and I move forwards aggressively enough to get splatted soon after. We have the lead, though. Puddle-hopping my way back looks like it's going to work, but a bit ...