Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category

Up and down the Towers in Splat Zones (15-4, Tri-slosher)

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017

I make my standard start to a sloshing Moray Towers Splat Zones. My squidmates look to be pushing forwards aggressively too, which seems like a jolly good idea. I get lucky when I see a squid flop on to a block and apparently not move, flushing him out with two ...

Sloshing all over the Splat Zones (10-4, Tri-slosher)

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

Nice and safe start, sloshing on to our Splat Zone. I jump down to take care of a yellow Sprinkler, but a squidmate does it on my way down, so I press forwards. I nearly fall off the block, just about sticking to the ink, and complete the fall when ...

Trading ink in Splat Zones (9-4, Tri-slosher)

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

My plan to sit above the Splat Zones and slosh from high is thrown out of the window when I see a teal inkling looking to disrupt our Splat Zone. Not on my watch! Nor a squidmate's, who gets the splatting blow. From there, I follow an orange path around ...

Museum of Splat Zones (12-3, Carbon Roller Deco)

Sunday, October 1st, 2017

Inking the rotating wall is no mistake, it's preparation for a sneaky slide across to the central column. Not making the jump to the other side is a mistake, though. Never mind, I roll with it, ink the Splat Zones a little, and give it another try. There's not much ...

Two-shot tigerears in Splat Zones (8-4, Hero Charger Replica)

Sunday, October 1st, 2017

I've found a really nice perch to ink our Splat Zone on Moray Towers, and have a good route to get there quickly. My Hero Charger Replica has just about enough range to keep the pesky yellow inklings out of the Splat Zone too, but only if they think they ...

Making Splat Zones look easy (6-0, Tri-slosher)

Saturday, September 30th, 2017

I'm going for that E-litre 3K. Walleye Warehouse gives me a decent opportunity to do it too, and I dart around the edge and up and behind the green team. I surprise the E-litre 3K nicely, although maybe disappoint my squidmate who aims the Killer Wail well. I drop down ...

Purple in the Splat Zones (6-1, Tri-slosher)

Saturday, September 30th, 2017

I can see green ink coming to the wall of our Splat Zone, but the best I can do is stall the inkling trying to squid up it. I get a splat turning back to where the rest of the action is, just about surviving myself, and squid up quickly ...

E-litres and Inkzookas in Splat Zones (12-6, Tri-slosher)

Friday, September 29th, 2017

I spy that E-litre 3K, and go looking for him, as I tend to do. Not even an inkling in my way will stop me, a nice Disruptor throw and couple of sloshes getting him out of my way. The E-litre 3K is not on the normal perch on the ...

Taking back the Splat Zones (9-4, Tri-slosher)

Friday, September 29th, 2017

The Splat Zones can take care of themselves for a bit. I'm going around the back. And I'm taking the long route this time, which pays off, as I'm not spotted by the Roller taking the opposing route, and get my first splat before continuing along. Pausing for a second ...

Bucketing around the Splat Zones (11-3, Tri-slosher)

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

My desire to get behind the teal team has my zooming up and across the Splat Zones, and down the other side of the building to catch anyone squidding up. No one here, but an inkling is coming my way. I've kinda cornered myself too, but a Disruptor hits and ...