Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category
Monday, February 12th, 2018
Things get orange quickly in the Splat Zones, and I don't really want to get splatted for no reason. I hold back a bit instead, biding my time, and doing that finds me opportunity in the form of an Ink Storm. That gets the orange team's attention, and although I'm ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Helping out in the Splat Zones [13(3)-4, Custom Splattershot Jr]
Monday, February 12th, 2018
Uh-oh, dark skies. At least at the Spawning Grounds we can rush to the low-tide area, and not have to wait for the cannon on top of the rusted ship in Marooner's Bay to pop up. And the cannons do pop up. Cohocks! I'll hop in a cannon and wreak ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Awkward last wave in Salmon Run [22-28-19, 23/567]
Sunday, February 11th, 2018
I haven't used a Mini-splatling for a while. I quite enjoyed it before, so I should be okay with it in Salmon Run. And things start okay, until I line up the rear of a Scrapper, and get bumped in to the high tide. How embarrassing. I get splatted again ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Down to three in Salmon Run [19-20-14, 14/600]
Sunday, February 11th, 2018
I don't see that blue squid hit our right flank until his ink is hitting me, but I somehow manage to get clear. The same can't be said for my squidmate who is splatted by a Robo Chicken. I also manage to turn a poor position around quite well, avoiding ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Always on the back foot in Tower Control [11-5, Hero Charger Replica]
Saturday, February 10th, 2018
It's a good start to the run, using my Rapid Blaster to splat a Steelhead. Everything feels quite relaxed for a while too. In fact, I take a lie down, on a grate. In to the water. Now it feels a bit more tense, and with salmonid bosses piling up ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on We survived Grillers in Salmon Run [16-13-28, 11/614]
Saturday, February 10th, 2018
I miss that Octobrush by a small margin, which isn't a bad shot but is disappointing, because they run so quickly it would have been good to splat him whilst thinking he's hidden. The next shot is sweet, catching the inkling in the ink. And although I miss the inkling ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Where's the support in Tower Control [9(2)-3, Hero Charger Replica]
Friday, February 9th, 2018
I am Queen of Toilet Roll. It has been a long Splatfest of battling my own kind. So when I see a temporary truce being called, and thanks to my terrible aim missing the emissary, I am happy to take some time for myself. Battling can wait. But not everyone ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on And some are good people in Front Rolling Splatfest [1560p, 5(2)-2, Sploosh-o-matic]
Friday, February 9th, 2018
Front-rollers versus front-rollers again. But this time, the ping is with me. I'm not the one seemingly getting hit with a splotch of ink and inksploding, and everything seems fair from my side. I can only imagine that some of the inklings I splat are seeing it differently. I feel ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Lucky splats in Front Rolling Splatfest [1108p, 10-2, Sploosh-o-matic]
Thursday, February 8th, 2018
I'm back for more Splatfest fun, and back with the Sploosh-o-matic. And the back-rollers are making another appearance. Maybe they only come out at night. Either way, we're at Musselforge Fitness, and with the central raised area I'm wondering if holding that is as important as in other maps. Maybe, ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on End on a bang in Front Rolling Splatfest [1883p, 11(2)-1, Sploosh-o-matich]
Thursday, February 8th, 2018
Hey, it's the mythical back-rollers! Hopefully I can add a positive win to our righteous Splatfest. As it's Turf War, there isn't as much direct engagement either required or desired, and lots of inking of turf. But sometimes to ink the turf, you need to displace the occasional inkling. I'm ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Rare back-roll battle in Front Rolling Splatfest [2275p, 4(2)-1, Custom Splattershot Jr]