Archive for January, 2018

Getting a bit close in Rainmaker [13(2)-7, Sploosh-o-matic]

Sunday, January 21st, 2018

There's movement all over the place to start the battle, with plenty of inklings thinking that a splatty start would be more tactical than moving the Rainmaker. As I try to get rid of any chasing inklings with a Curling Bomb, and reminded by the Tri-slosher of the bridge above ...

From blue to green in Splat Zones [7(1)-2, Custom Splattershot Jr]

Sunday, January 21st, 2018

My first Robot Chicken finds a target, which pleases me, but I don't want the incoming Tenta Missiles to do the same, causing a brief retreat. And despite our good start, the blue team come back to push us out of the Splat Zones quite thoroughly, from the front and ...

Enjoying the Specials in Salmon Run [22-20-17, 21/554]

Saturday, January 20th, 2018

I think going the long way to the Steelhead will be quicker. It isn't, but I manage to nab a Golden Egg like I deserved it. The Drizzler is easier, and the second Steelhead takes priority over the Steel Eel, but I overlook a Cohock, and get a pan to ...

Autobombs and Ink Storms in Splat Zones [14(3)-3, Custom Splattershot Jr]

Saturday, January 20th, 2018

I'm wondering where that E-litre 4K will set up, and hit the flank to lob an opportunistic Robot Chicken her way. It doesn't find anything, but moving up to the Splat Zones level finds the telltale shot of ink, and I try to combine Ink Storm and Robot Chicken to ...

What difficult third wave, in Salmon Run [16-14-21, 12/510]

Friday, January 19th, 2018

Bah, that's a poor throw on the Flyfish, particularly as my aiming arc showed the Splat Bomb would fall short. Still, it's the first boss in the first wave, we will cope. Then again, the Flyfish is splatted anyway, and I honestly don't know how. All bombs fell out of ...

Shown no mercy in Splat Zones [13(6)-5, Custom Splattershot Jr]

Friday, January 19th, 2018

Uh-oh, our Rapid Blaster isn't moving. Hopefully it's just temporary, and there's not much to be done but press on. Splatting the Inkjet with my Ink Storm keeps my spirits up early, and although I avoid a Splashdown I run in to the inkling that comes out of it. Heading ...

Profreshional Salmon Run [26-20-26, 19/569]

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Low tide seems like an easy start to this Salmon Run, and our squidmate teasing Maws back to the basket makes it easier. A lone Flyfish is only awkward because of the salmonids in front of it, and my first throw just misses. Our second attempt shows that Flyfish who's ...

Losing our grip on the Splat Zones [20(10)-6, Custom Splattershot Jr]

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

My Robot Chicken does me proud to start the battle, as I almost get stuck between two inklings. Instead, I get an Ink Storm out of it. I'm also starting out quite sensibly, being mobile, not chasing needless splats, and inking anything I can. Keeping the Robot Chickens flying when ...

Lone survivor in Salmon Run [21-26-19, 15/322]

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Nice first bomb at the Flyfish, whilst wading through green muck! There's not that much pressure on, though, and we're waiting for the bosses to appear. I bet I'll miss this time by the middle of the third wave. The Steel Eels are nice and easy to take care of ...

Almost the comeback we deserve in Tower Control [16(4)-7, Custom Splattershot Jr]

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

A Robot Chicken seems like just the right thing to lob over the Tower at the start of a battle, more so than a mere Suction Bomb. Or any time, anywhere, really. I like them. A bit of flanking gets me a splat too, and an Ink Storm solidifies our ...