Archive for December, 2017

Huge tally in Salmon Run (24-26-29, 20/606)

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

Low tide and the Carbon Roller is a good start to a Salmon Run for me. The vertical flick helps feel helpful against Steel Head too. I nearly get bumped in to the water, but just about keep my footing. We splat boss after boss, and I even throw a ...

Top-notch Salmon Run [17-19-22, 22/446]

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

Glowflies! And they're on me! Cool. Line 'em up, squidmates! I only move away from the basket when the glowflies have moved off me, which lets me grab a couple of golden eggs. The next time I drop down to try to save a squidmate, who turns the corner as ...

Off by one in Salmon Run [17-15-13, 11/424]

Monday, December 4th, 2017

Oh yes. Look at the weapons today. The Tri-slosher and Carbon Roller are both main weapons of mine, I pull out variants of the Splat Charger regularly, and the Splash-o-matic was my first love. Nothing can go wrong in today's Salmon Run! I'm even handed the Tri-slosher for the first ...

N-ZAP '85 splats in Turf War [1973p, 9-2, N-ZAP '85]

Monday, December 4th, 2017

I remember my earlier advice, and hopefully now won't forget, and activate my Ink Armour early, so that it is active and that I start to recharge it. That gives me confidence in chasing a blue inkling, although a second Ink Armour effect kicks in. I don't think every inkling ...

N-ZAPing in Turf War [1843p, 9(3)-4, N-ZAP '85]

Sunday, December 3rd, 2017

I've got access to the N-ZAP '85, so let's try it out. It should be better at inking turf than the Splattershot Jr, and it still has the Ink Armour. I have already forgotten my own advice to activate Ink Armour sooner rather than later, though, which really doesn't ...

Making quota in Salmon Run [8-9-11, 9/332]

Sunday, December 3rd, 2017

I can use a Splatling. I've toyed with them before, and had fun with the Mini version. It is a good long-range support weapon. And that's handy, because the first wave is Grillers, not covered in the induction, and quite nasty if you don't know what you're doing. They are ...

There's a cannon in Salmon Run [10-12-19, 6/1054]

Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

Another low-tide start to a Marooner's Bay Salmon Run. I'm prepared, and have the Jet Squelcher again. I'm glad that the first boss salmonid isn't going for me, because Maws is coming from a different direction and I don't see it until its almost underneath me. Flyfish as the second ...

Awesome last wave in Salmon Run [17-11-21, 15/523]

Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

A new day at GrizzCo, a new set of weapons. The Blaster first! Not the Range Blaster, but I've used this before. Bring on the salmonids! And it's low tide, so we know where they're coming from. Not the best first boss to get, needing to blast through the small ...

Nasty third wave in Salmon Run [11-18-22, 13/804]

Friday, December 1st, 2017

Ooh, the Blaster. I can use these, and they should be a fairly good alternative to a charger, if a bit short-ranged. It's not a great start for me, though, walking right in to the water as I aim upwards. At least it is at the start, before things start ...

Holding the turf in Turf War [2101p, 12(3)-3, Splattershot Jr]

Friday, December 1st, 2017

Time for a bit more Turf War. Still level 5, not wanting to rush through the levels, or rush in to Ranked battles where the ex-S+ players are trying to rise as quickly as possible. I've got loads of time to enjoy battling at my own pace. I'm sticking with the ...