Archive for December, 2017
Tuesday, December 26th, 2017
Four shooters as weapons is an interesting choice by Mr Grizz, but should at least make most inklings comfortable for each wave. Having said that, starting with the .96 Gal is perhaps my last choice of the four, although the terribly short range of the Sploosh-o-matic makes some bosses awkward. ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Almost not a bumper load in Salmon Run [30-27-21, 20/497]
Tuesday, December 26th, 2017
I stumble over my first splat opportunity, deservedly only ending up with an assist, before moving up to be wary of the E-litre 4K's sights. I dabble a bit with Burst Bombs, a couple hitting inkling, one hitting the block in front of me, before a proper opportunity arises, which ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on One-point Rainmaker with a three-point shot [16(4)-7, Tri-slosher]
Sunday, December 24th, 2017
I can work with the Aerospray MG. It's got a good fire rate and has good mobility, so I should be happy with the first wave. The first couple of bosses are straightforward, with even the Drizzler taken down without much fuss. Our efficiency continues, but I'm finally overwhelmed by ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Getting desperate in Salmon [17-23-19, 15/605]
Sunday, December 24th, 2017
A slight pause for the Octobrush to forget about me seems like a good idea, but he has a memory longer than an Octoling. Still, I splat him as well. I think about hitting the other flank, but a purple splotch draws me to the same side as before. It's ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Not quite far enough in Tower Control [20(4)-6, Tri-slosher]
Saturday, December 23rd, 2017
I'm still running with a Respawn Punisher jersey, because that's perhaps a good secondary way I can support my team with whatever splats I can get. It should be just as good with the Tri-slosher as the Splattershot Jr, and I'd like to try the bucket a bit more, to ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Punishing respawns in Tower Control [14(1)-5, Tri-slosher]
Saturday, December 23rd, 2017
Holding back at the start of the battle, rather than rushing to try to burst the Rainmaker free, has its benefits. I stay unsplatted, measure what's happening, and sneak a splat here and there. It only goes a bit wrong when I get confident, which really doesn't take long, and ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Sitting back in support of the Rainmaker [14(6)-4, Splattershot Jr]
Friday, December 22nd, 2017
I'm continuing with my Splattershot Jr plan, as it seems to be mostly working. But I'm being a bit more aggressive with it now, because it seems to be mostly working. I hit the flank of the purple team immediately, ignoring the Rainmaker, and although I don't catch the Dynamo ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Getting inexorably closer to the podium in Rainmaker [13(6)-6, Splattershot Jr]
Friday, December 22nd, 2017
I'm having a lot of trouble in Ranked battles. There are so many more inklings active now, and so many more that are better than me, plus the ranking system is overwhelmed with new inklings entering the system all the time, that I'm not really sure I fit in. Trying ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Junior splats in Rainmaker [12(5)-5, Splattershot Jr]
Thursday, December 21st, 2017
Yes! Tri-slosher to start! And low tide, which generally simplifies a Salmon Run. The bosses can only come along one of three strands, with the only drawback being that you can get isolated when down one of the strands. Even that is mitigated somewhat in Marooner's Bay, compared to Spawning ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on The tide is out in Salmon Run [22-22-22, 14/558]
Thursday, December 21st, 2017
I don't think my skill level is keeping pace with others', with so many inklings racing past their 20s and in to the 30s, whilst I linger in my teens. But I am hoping that sticking to weapons I know, and roles I know, I can at least support my ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Supporting mostly from the back in Tower Control [10(2)-3, Splat Charger]