Tri-sloshing in Tower Control (9-4, Tri-slosher)
20th November 2017 – 7.00 pmI'm both wary of the E-litre 3K and aiming for it. Going for the charger is a bit different on Moray Towers, with its large, open centre, so I can't just zoom across there, which is why my route is a little circuitous to start. It's quite effective for early defence, though. A Disruptor may get the E-litre 3K's attention, but it slows down their ink-hungry weapon a little. And I pop up closer to them than is normal, hopefully being a surprise.
My squidmates hop on to the Tower and push it forwards, giving us the lead, as I ink my way around the purple side of the Towers. I'm soon caught by returning inklings, which is going to happen, but we're still in control as I return. I move up to support, but even though I get lucky in avoiding a Carbon Roller, I fail to see the second Seeker. Super-jumping back lands me safely, unlike what I do next. I'm sure I had an idea of what I wanted to achieve.
Time for a bit of defence. I kind of help, my second Disruptor not flying past the Tower, and my Cold-blooded T-shirt letting me sneak around the back to get splatted by a Carbon Roller who just about stays out of range of my bucket. I return trying to take better advantage of my Tri-slosher, which means getting some height advantage. That goes better, splatting the E-litre 3K on the Tower, and the Carbon Roller looking to get me off it.
From there, I try to build some charge for my Bubbler by covering the purple ink. I have to dodge the E-litre 3K's laser sight a little, and I see the Carbon Roller coming early enough to turn the splat around. I also hop off the Tower to deal with the two chargers, which goes well and has a squidmate take over Tower duty. I try to join them, but the Tower spurns me yet again.
Turning back to support lets me take a lesser-known shortcut up the wall, narrowly avoiding the Carbon Roller who falls off in his attempts to clear the Tower, and my Bubbler keeps me safe from the Splattershot Pro, a luxury our squidmate on the Tower doesn't have. But I drop down to keep things moving, luckily sidestepping an E-litre 3K shot, luck that a squidmate doesn't have.
I just about stay out of sight of the E-litre 3K, and get a lucky last splat on the approaching Carbon Roller, before we reach the goal. We drove the Tower all the way across the Towers! Woomy!
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