Archive for October, 2017

Sloshing all over the Skatepark in Splat Zones (17-4, Tri-slosher)

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017

Can I get behind the green team and cause some disruption to start the battle? Yes, and kind of. The green inklings have moved up, so I don't really catch them by surprise, but my delayed appearance helps our team by adding some finishing ink here and there. With the ...

Asserting my turf in Splat Zones (4-1, Kelp Splat Charger)

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017

I head to a decent perch for my Kelp Splat Charger, and immediately ignore the Splat Zones. I assume my squidmates know what they're doing, so I start trying to control the channels visible to me, to prevent purple ink from coming in. This obviously doesn't sit well with at ...

Finding my position in Splat Zones (8-3, Kelp Splat Charger)

Tuesday, October 10th, 2017

I aim more to the left than I want, so that I don't shoot a squidmate's head, but none of them jump, which is good. My first Sprinkler throw is a little off, but as they don't bounce they're not easy to aim. The second hits its mark, and I ...

Too many chargers in Tower Control (8-6, Kelp Splat Charger)

Tuesday, October 10th, 2017

Phew, three chargers on our team, plus a Roller. Not a great composition. But look at the other team too, three E-litre 3Ks and a Hydra Splatling! This will be unpredictable. I can at least say with confidence that normal Tower Control tactics won't be applicable, so I'm just going ...

Rushing to the podium in Rainmaker (3-0, Carbon Roller Deco)

Monday, October 9th, 2017

The inkling coming over the bridge causes me pause, and dropping back helps splat the inkling that came over the ramp. I resume my squidding over the perch, but no one's there, probably because there's no charger on the blue team. I turn to see what the Rainmaker's doing, and as ...

The strange case of the extra-large Kraken in Rainmaker (12-6, Carbon Roller Deco)

Monday, October 9th, 2017

Not my best Seeker to start with, but it'll do. My channel around the Rainmaker is blocked by a Roller, so I pause to flick at the shield before not fooling the Roller at all to try sneaking around the side. At least I don't get splatted. The other side ...

Solo splats in Squad Rainmaker (14-6, Tri-slosher)

Sunday, October 8th, 2017

Going full-speed in Squad Battles only gets me splatted really easily, really often, so I try to practice some caution to start this battle. Maybe I should apply that elsewhere, but I think I'm happy to stay at the low A ranks and be reckless and dumb. I also kinda ...

Clearing the way for the Rainmaker (9-1, Tri-slosher)

Sunday, October 8th, 2017

I like this side route on Camp Triggerfish Rainmaker. If you can just squeeze under the gate, you can move around the side quicker than inklings expect, which lets you appear on their flank as rather a surprise. Add a bit of caution, and you can control the centre of ...

Almost ignoring the Tower in Tower Control (13-5, Tri-slosher)

Saturday, October 7th, 2017

An E-litre 3K on the other team is a good target for me, but also a risk. A fun risk, unlike the Rapid Blaster, which generally are bad for me and my bucket. My first route is going for the E-litre 3K, which should let me ignore the Rapid Blaster ...

Slosher splatting in Tower Control (17-6, Tri-slosher)

Saturday, October 7th, 2017

Naturally, I'm aiming for that Kelp Splatterscope to start my battle. The N-ZAP coming my way could be trouble, but a missed Point Sensor by her lets me squid close enough to get an advantage. From there, even an active Point Sensor doesn't alert the Splatterscope on her standard perch. ...