Archive for May, 2017

Being a bit better in Tower Control (13-4, Carbon Roller Deco)

Friday, May 12th, 2017

I've had another run of mediocre battles. I am simply losing my chill, forgetting what I'm trying to learn. I realise this and resolve to do better. I think I achieve that here. I lay down some ink and pause to assess the situation. I get a bit lucky getting ...

Splats but no success in Tower Control (16-8, Blaster)

Thursday, May 11th, 2017

I'm still trying to improve my battling skills with a regular foray with the Blaster. I think it's working to some extent, but I often forget what I'm trying to do and revert to charging ahead hoping to get some splats. That's part of my battling I need to work ...

Sloshing all over the Splat Zones (7-0, Tri-slosher)

Thursday, May 11th, 2017

I was able to redeem my battling, briefly, with the Carbon Roller Deco. I would like to see if I can transfer my new ideals to the Tri-slosher, where I almost can't help but be stupidly aggressive with. I don't think I'll mind if I can't, as I seem to ...

Getting the splats around the Splat Zones (9-1, Carbon Roller Deco)

Wednesday, May 10th, 2017

I'm having another run of unsatisfactory battles. It won't get better by my being more aggressive, but by my battling smarter. As if to prove the point, rushing to get across to the other side of Camp Triggerfish merely runs me in to a Carbon Roller with better reflexes than ...

Coping with a pair of chargers in Tower Control (14-8, Blaster)

Wednesday, May 10th, 2017

Back the Blaster for a bit, as my battling is getting sloppy again. It will still be sloppy with the Blaster, but it will feel so much worse that I'll want to improve. Or I could just get repeatedly picked off by either one of two chargers sitting on high ...

Suspiciously smooth ride in Tower Control (6-1, Tri-slosher)

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

More sloshing in Museum d'Alfonsino, and I don't get splatted in the first thirty seconds! I must be applying my learning, at least occasionally. I hold back, ink turf, throw Disruptors, and when I move forwards it's to support the Tower and get a couple of splats. Not too shabby. The ...

Some loose aim in Tower Control (13-4, Kelp Splatterscope)

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

A bit more charger practice for me, with the Kelp Splatterscope this time. I prefer the Splat Bombs of the basic Splatterscope in general, and although the Sprinkler is better for Splat Zones, the Killer Wail of the Kelp Splatterscope should be quite useful for Tower Control in Walleye Warehouse. I ...

Pushing forwards in Tower Control (12-5, Tri-slosher)

Monday, May 8th, 2017

An aim to head right around the back of the green team doesn't quite go according to plan, but what did I really expect? I may have started out along an unorthodox route, but it was one that takes me to the standard initial rush for the team. I was ...

Double dunking the Rainmaker (12-8, Carbon Roller Deco)

Monday, May 8th, 2017

It's a standard start to a Rainmaker battle in Kelp Dome with the Carbon Roller Deco. My squidding goes a bit squiffy as I check to see if an inkling is coming over the ramp. Yes, it seems they are, so I prepare myself. But they don't come, so I ...

Splats for the Rainmaker (16-8, Carbon Roller Deco)

Sunday, May 7th, 2017

A little misstep when trying to ink a desk is nothing, and I hop back up to get my bearings. A Seeker gives me a route down to the lower level, where a squidmate inadvertently reveals a Roller for me to splat. I don't push forwards to splat a second ...