Archive for August, 2016

Doing okay in Splat Zones

Sunday, August 21st, 2016

Still struggling in S-Rank battles. The Dual Squelcher seems to be a decent choice for me in Mahi-Mahi resort Splat Zones, giving me the range I need to stay out of direct trouble, and the Resort giving me enough options to stay at range. Not that I stay out of trouble, ...

We blue it in Splat Zones

Sunday, August 21st, 2016

Sometimes I use a weapon kind of how it was designed to be used. For the Dual Squelcher, I assume this to be keeping at long range and not squidding in to short-range encounters. For the Custom Dual Squelcher, the Killer Wail Special can also be used as a suppressive ...

Remembering the Bubbler on Tower Control

Saturday, August 20th, 2016

Still stuck in S-Rank frustration, I'm back to giving the battle a solid go. I want to play Splatoon, I just don't want it to be quite so serious. Not much chance in S Rank, though. Either way, I'm going to have to adjust to the circumstances, or make the circumstances ...

Keeping my distance in Tower Control

Saturday, August 20th, 2016

I'm not having much luck, or fun, in S-Rank battles. Change of tactics! I switch from the short-range Tri-slosher to something that should let me keep my range, but without requiring the precision of a charger: the Dual Squelcher. An early splat is not encouraging, but getting sent back to the ...

Full steam ahead in Tower Control

Friday, August 19th, 2016

I had no joy with the Custom Blaster in S-Rank Tower Control, so I revert to the Splattershot Jr. Straight up the centre and on to the tower, somehow not getting splatted by the charger on his perch. I keep riding the tower, my squidmates taking care of the other team, and ...

Ups and downs in Tower Control

Friday, August 19th, 2016

First three pushes are in the three different routes in Arowana Mall. First is right down the middle, getting to the tower super-fast, and getting me splatted with some alacrity too. Second is to the left, to get above the approaching tower, and gets me splatted quickly. The third route takes ...

Too many red lasers in Tower Control

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

Three chargers on the other team for Tower Control. On the one hand, it should mean we will get control of the tower and be able to get and keep the lead without too much trouble. On the other hand, it will also mean that we are unlikely to be ...

Oh yeah, I have a Bubbler, Tower Control

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

A couple of failures with the Splatterscope in S-Rank Tower Control and I revert to the Tri-slosher. I'm still trying to be effective so far, but S-Rank battles are mostly making me feel rubbish, ineffective, and out of my depth. In this battle, I'm still fairly fresh and trying to compete. ...

Not quite making it in Rainmaker

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

I really don't think I'm good enough, or dedicated enough, or serious enough for S Rank Splatoon. But I give it a try, mostly. At least in this Rainmaker battle I contribute to splats and inking turf, rather than simply being target practice for the other team. I even pull of some ...

Second S-Rank Rainmaker battle goes for a dunk!

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

I admit that I'm playing it safe with the Splattershot Jr. I could use a different weapon, but the Jr lets me be mobile and gives me a Bubbler for emergencies. I'll swap to something else once I'm a bit more comfortable. This Rainmaker battle gets off to an amazing start. ...