Archive for May, 2014

Clearing a couple of Sleeper sites

Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

There's almost nothing to see at home. The tower's still there, thank goodness, but precious little else. Two anomalies and the static wormhole are all the discovery scanner and my probes show me, and two good anomalies at that. Actually, this is a pretty decent-looking system I've got here. It ...

Looking for a Loki

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

Our ore anomalies have disappeared. This makes me sad. Oh well, I'll get over it. A new signature in the home system is a K162 from class 3 w-space. I know this, because my glorious leader knows this. Specifically, Fin's in C3b taking a look around. 'I have not been ...

Marvel as you ascend in to your planar form

Monday, May 19th, 2014

I'm not really here yet, but it would be wise to check the state of the home system. It won't take long. I launch probes, perform a blanket scan, and see that all is fine. I'm very protective of our ore anomalies. I take care of a bit of business ...

Mobile boring unit

Sunday, May 18th, 2014

I'm about to recall my probes, but my curiosity gets the better of me. What type of static wormhole does this class 5 w-space system hold? It's not a particularly interesting question, admittedly, but there may be a reason why the system is unoccupied. I have time to find out, ...

Stopping at the start of a chain

Saturday, May 17th, 2014

I have a bit of spare time, I'll have a poke around the w-space constellation to see if anyone is out and about. Of course, I pretty much have to uncover the w-space constellation first, what with wormholes needing to be scanned, unlike stargates, but I'm expecting that. I ignore ...

Scanning for the source

Friday, May 16th, 2014

There's not much left in the home system. A couple of ore sites, a crappy anomaly that only the desperate would care to clear by itself, our static wormhole. And one other signature. The system is clean because my glorious leader kicked the Sleepers out of the last good anomaly, ...


Thursday, May 15th, 2014

Hmm, do I clear that new anomaly in the home system, or explore for opportunity? Let me scan, resolve, and jump through our static wormhole whilst I ponder my decision. Okay, exploring it is! I have exploring to do too, as my directional scanner can only pick up one planet ...

Not everything comes to she who waits

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

Sleepers can get bent this evening. Well, the few in our one remaining combat anomaly and those that don't really count in the couple of ore sites. I wouldn't even venture in there normally, so ignoring them tonight is simplicity itself. I scan for our static wormhole, warp that way, ...

Sleepers and scanning

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

Home looks much the same as it did yesterday, albeit with a new anomaly. I'll clear that for luck, and for ISK. Oh, and the static wormhole I resolved and bookmarked yesterday apparently has been relocated to elsewhere in the system. Maybe we weren't as isolated yesterday as we thought ...

Staying home for Sleepers

Monday, May 12th, 2014

Damn, some of our sites have been plundered. We've had too many visitors lately, some of them were bound to stay a while. Thank goodness none have stayed forever, I don't have a giant electrifying ball of evil. There is another signature in home system too, which I kinda hope ...