Archive for March, 2013
Thursday, March 21st, 2013
I come on-line just as Fin drops out of warp at our static wormhole. I jump in to the fleet and warp towards my glorious leader, as she jumps to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. Fin sees an Orca industrial command ship, a shuttle, and five towers on her ...
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Wednesday, March 20th, 2013
Haii Aii, are you still in empire space? 'Nope. I've mined 6k units of arkonor from a gravimetric site in the home system.' That's pretty impressive. 'And sucked up half of the oldest gas.' The man's a machine. As Aii does what Aii does best, I does what I does ...
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Tuesday, March 19th, 2013
It's been a few hours since the curious incident of the exploding planet gooer, so what's changed? For a start, our static wormhole is now in its end-of-life stage and has been destabilised to half-mass. That it is EOL can be explained by the wormhole no doubt having been opened ...
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Monday, March 18th, 2013
I really want to actually shoot someone today, preferably with an explosion at the end. I don't care whose by this point. To this end, I'm up early to hopefully catch a bleary-eyed planet gooer going on his rounds. An unexpected signature in the home system gets me off to ...
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Sunday, March 17th, 2013
Aii's on-line, but doesn't look to be home. That wouldn't surprise me, as he was in empire space until late last night, and seeing the bookmarks not updated so far today pretty much confirms his status as locked out. I'd best scan to find him a way back. An unexpected ...
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Saturday, March 16th, 2013
I'm relatively early to w-space this evening, but my glorious leader is earlier. Fin's gone from home and is in a class 2 system, connecting to our own, leaving our neighbouring class 3 system unexplored. Not for long. I warp across the home system and jump through our static wormhole, ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Sabre rattling
Friday, March 15th, 2013
I'm late. Late enough for the w-space constellation not only to be scanned and mapped by my glorious leader, but also to have her and Aii both in empire space selling our recently accumulated loot. So what is there for me to do? Well, w-space can change at any minute, ...
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Thursday, March 14th, 2013
There are going to be other pilots in w-space tonight. I can smell it. And that's not just a standard prediction that I occasionally make after what feels like a particularly dry spell, in a bid to play the odds and come out at the end of the evening looking ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Magnetometric sites are attractive
Wednesday, March 13th, 2013
Home alone. I won't construct elaborate traps for potential invaders, though. We already have them in the form of gas clouds, they just aren't attracting any suckers yet. It's no surprise that we have no visitors, because scanning finds no wormholes except for the static connection. I resolve it and ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Scanning until there's no more life left
Tuesday, March 12th, 2013
My glorious leader has been exploring. Indeed, the w-space constellation has already been mapped by Fin, having worked her way through our neighbouring class 3 system and out to empire space. So what's the plan? 'Roll, I think', Fin says, suggesting that we collapse our wormhole to make all her ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Settling for Sleepers