Archive for July, 2012
Saturday, July 21st, 2012
Pilots! Friendly ones, too. Mick and Aii are out and about, and having a constellation already mapped is an unusual circumstance to come on-line to. But there appears to be nothing happening, and our static wormhole is at the end of its life, although no one's sure when it started ...
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Friday, July 20th, 2012
I want to be more successful at shooting ships today. Yesterday saw me bite at bait and flail at a battleship, which although not fatal for me the engagements were hardly inspiring. Before I can shoot a ship I need to find one, which means scanning. Actually, my first task ...
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Thursday, July 19th, 2012
Bearing backwards led to bait, which we naturally took and managed to survive. Forging forwards bagged Fin a hauler incautiously collecting planet goo. And in our currently well-connected w-space there are still options for exploration, which is surprisingly through our static wormhole, given that all we've done so far is ...
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Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
'Some new signatures at home', Fin tells me as I come on-line, and she's not wrong. Seven signatures light up my combat probes where I'm expecting three. I'm hoping they're not wormholes for a change, because we could do with making some iskies from some of our anomalies. I would ...
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Tuesday, July 17th, 2012
I've a blank slate today. A tabula rasa, if you will. No bookmarks, no registered sites in the home system, and nothing on my directional scanner. Let's see what I can find out there. Rocks, a radar site, and the static wormhole is all that's at home, ignoring the slowly ...
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Monday, July 16th, 2012
It all looks clear at home, and although I don't know yet what mischief I can get up to abroad it looks like I have a choice of direction. A second wormhole along with our static connection to class 3 w-space tempts me to stay with class 4 w-space for ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Seeing only a wormhole die
Sunday, July 15th, 2012
It's taken too long to uncover, but we are finally monitoring the route some pilots are taking between their class 5 w-space home and empire space. We should be able to identify passing ships early and, if good targets, intercept and engage them. We're in a class 3 system a ...
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Saturday, July 14th, 2012
Mission: find targets continues where it left off yesterday. I have no support from Fin or Aii at the moment, but that just lets me scout ahead and get in to position for their arrival. I scan the home system, activate a new ladar site, and jump through our static ...
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Friday, July 13th, 2012
Right, let's find a target or two to shoot. Positive thinking will get us a kill, I'm sure of it. There are no ships and no K162 wormholes in the home system—and I double-check this time—so I head outwards to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. My directional scanner showing ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Wormhole crashers
Thursday, July 12th, 2012
I've got myself confused. A rogue Anathema appeared in the home system with no apparent source, and we collapsed our static wormhole to keep out the covert operations boat we assumed we'd seen lurking before. Now I've scanned the home system to continue the evening's adventure and I'm seeing a ...
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