Archive for July, 2011
Sunday, July 31st, 2011
Chomping down a sammich makes the rumblings in my tummy as quiet as those in w-space currently. Roaming through our scanned constellation finds our neighbouring class 4 system empty, and the C5 next along the route quiet, as a new Tengu strategic cruiser appears at the tower only to log ...
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Saturday, July 30th, 2011
Curse my timing. In trying to moderate my time in space and be a more rounded capsuleer I have managed to miss out on colleagues popping not only a Loki strategic cruiser engaging Sleepers but also a Crane transport ship out collecting planet goo. Hopefully I haven't missed all the ...
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Friday, July 29th, 2011
I've left the boring class 3 w-space system behind me, but not w-space itself. Back out in high-sec empire space I wake up to see a contract waiting for me. Inspecting and accepting the contract gets me a set of bookmarks that looks like they'll take me to our class ...
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Thursday, July 28th, 2011
Tomorrow never comes, which is particularly annoying if I keep having to promise to myself that these pilots will collect gas tomorrow. I am still in the class 3 w-space system I became isolated in, and have been hoping that the occupants would make nice fat targets of themselves in ...
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Wednesday, July 27th, 2011
Why am I waking up in a class 3 w-space system? It must have been quite a night. Ah, now I remember, we were waiting for a scout nine jumps from home and the universe disappeared. Rather than stay up far too late in the hopes of dashing back home, ...
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Tuesday, July 26th, 2011
The end of our w-space constellation still hasn't been found. Glorious leader Fin is out scanning and is 'in C5d jumping in to C3a', or in the fourth class 5 w-space system we've encountered in our path and jumping in to the first class 3 system. All I need to ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Nine systems deep
Monday, July 25th, 2011
What with my proclivity to shoot miners I find in w-space, corporate conversation turns to that subject, and wanders a little in the process.
And a couple of minutes later, my character sheet blinks:
Gold medal! My colleagues are the best.
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Monday, July 25th, 2011
Maybe I can spend a few more minutes here. 'Here' being the class 4 w-space system where a Tengu strategic cruiser and Orca industrial command ship have appeared on d-scan, previously unseen when I scanned my way through the system earlier. And now two Hulk exhumers and an Iteron hauler ...
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Sunday, July 24th, 2011
I'm taking an early look around this morning. My initiative may pay off too, as there are two wormholes to be found in the class 5 w-space bivouac. One is the static connection to a class 4 w-space system, the other is a K162 coming from deadly class 6 w-space. ...
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Saturday, July 23rd, 2011
I'm still in the class 5 w-space system bivouac, but glorious leader Fin is elsewhere. She's only as far as the neighbouring C4, scanning the constellation, so I go out to join her. There are two Orca industrial command ships, a Rorqual capital industrial ship, and a Tempest battleship all ...
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