Archive for November, 2010

In space, no one can hear me sulk

Saturday, November 6th, 2010

Another day, another chance to explore w-space. I copy the available bookmarks in our shared can and warp to the static wormhole in my Buzzard covert operations boat. Jumping in to the connecting class 5 w-space system lets me revisit a system I was in only a month ago and ...

My first battleship

Friday, November 5th, 2010

Fortune smiles on us. A route to empire space is found right on our door-step, a K162 found in our system that connects us to high-sec space, and the exit system is only four hops from Jita. I have a plan for bringing my ships back in to w-space, but ...

Second-day frustrations

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

A new day brings a new constellation to explore, and with it new hope. The bookmarks in our shared can look current, and there are no notes about unstable wormholes. I copy them to my nav-comp and take my Buzzard covert operations boat out to reconnoitre the connecting systems, and ...

First-day frustrations

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

Holy crap, that looks complicated. I was warned that moving to live in a class 5 w-space system with a static connection to another C5 would put us further from potential exits, but finding thirty-one bookmarks waiting in our shared can is quite daunting, if only because copying bookmarks is ...

Settling in a C5

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

I wake up in my Buzzard in empty space, the comforting embrace of a tower's force field no longer present. It doesn't take long to find out the cause: the move to the class 5 w-space system is happening. The corporation had found a suitable C5 previously and parked a ...

Taking down the tower

Monday, November 1st, 2010

The tower is coming down. Peacefully, though. Most of our ships and other assets are already in empire space, now it is time to start unanchoring defences and modules, shipping them out of w-space in to temporary storage. My Crane transport ship is already sitting in a station somewhere in ...