Archive for May, 2010

Keeping out the neighbours

Monday, May 10th, 2010

I'm curious about what happens after I shoot the miner and collect his ore. I head back to the system in my Buzzard to see if anything is happening, warping to the tower on the outer planet first. I am interested in the tower because it held a ...

Parasitic mining

Monday, May 10th, 2010

A target is spotted. Glorious leader Fin is heading out to high-sec empire space to buy fuel for our w-space tower when one of her regular checks of the directional scanner, necessary for survival in w-space, reveals a Covetor mining barge somewhere in the system. The Covetor is ...

Exploring the neighbourhood

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

Another quiet start to the day in w-space. At least the home system is empty of anyone else according to the directional scanner, which is an advantage of living in a system that d-scan can cover completely. I start scanning and soon find a wormhole but when I ...

Scanning some emptiness

Saturday, May 8th, 2010

An early start, an empty system. I find a bookmark for our static wormhole dropped in our shared can, a bookmark that hasn't been visited yet. It's time to open the connection and visit today's neighbours. At least, it would be, if we had neighbours. Next ...

Staying isolated

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Our home system is deserted when Fin turns up, shortly followed by me. There is evidence that if a static wormhole is not activated, by warping to and thereby loading its grid, the K162 side does not appear either. Knowing this, Fin suggests that 'if we don't open ...

Interceptor test flight

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

A K162 leading to a class 4 w-space system is an invitation to plunder. It is even more inviting when the wormhole starts its EOL cycle just as we pass through it, which should discourage our neighbours from following us home if they happen to take offense at our ...

Centring the rotational axis in the system map

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

I have a fresh system to scan, hopefully there will be more prey than hunters today. I find our home system's static wormhole easily enough, but I also find a second wormhole. Maybe the system isn't quite as fresh as I had assumed. Warping to this second ...


Thursday, May 6th, 2010

A strange object appears from nowhere. A six-foot tall slab stands proud in the middle of The Company's seating area in the lobby, where employees and guests enjoy drinks and snacks from the coffee bar. Our watering hole, if you like. The monolithic structure is not featureless, ...

Hunt and peck

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

The high-sec exit is tempting our man to buy a new Arazu recon ship. Actually, it's a replacement, after losing it earlier when counter-ambushed engaging a Mammoth. But he was headed out to empire space to go shopping anyway, so he just has a ship to add to ...

Meeting the new neighbours

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

We have visitors. There are two K162 wormholes in our system, both coming from class 5 w-space systems, both systems having potentially dangerous capsuleers. One system seems rather more of a threat than the other, as they are actively sending people through our system. So far, they ...