Archive for October, 2009

UFO in warp

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

I am warping around collecting minerals when I get one of those rare and majestic moments of coincidentally warping alongside a fellow capsuleer. I am in my Crane, of course, which zips along at an impressive 9 AU/s, but I have no idea what the other ship is that is ...

Down in the New Eden dumps

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

Back in known space, and I'm feeling in a bit of a funk. I just cannot get started with anything. I have some Lai Dai agents waiting to give me missions to run, my manufacturing plants could be churning out some more modules to put on the market, ...

The Joy Formidable at Highbury and Islington Garage

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

The Highbury and Islington Garage has been refurbished. The small and dingy venue is now small and airy, the low ceiling remodelled to be an arcing ceiling that allows for a proper lighting rig in front of the stage, black walls repainted white, and wooden flooring everywhere. Overall, ...