Archive for July, 2009
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009
Ever since the corporation's first excursion in to and return from w-space there have been eager scouts scanning down systems looking for the next potential wormhole system in which to set up base. Ideally, the wormhole will lead to a certain class of w-space system, one that is challenging ...
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Monday, July 20th, 2009
I knew I should have kept more, but I panicked! Buying over five times as much mexallon as I need for a manufacturing run, hoping to sell the mineral back to the market to offset its rising price, gets me quite worried that I have been hasty in my ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on If you price it, they will come
Friday, July 17th, 2009
It turns out that my recent loss of access to a Lai Dai R&D agent is owing to a change in the way the connections skill works in conjunction with an actual negligible standing, so regaining access to the agent is not a simple matter of running a couple of ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Doing the agent shuffle
Thursday, July 16th, 2009
I'm bored at 80th level in World of Warcraft, hardly entering Azeroth in the past couple of weeks. My warrior effectively completes the Argent Tournament, but quickly becomes frustrated at also needing to be exalted with the Argent Crusade to be awarded the Crusader title. My death knight ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Rolling a druid to stave off the boredom
Wednesday, July 15th, 2009
An EVE-mail flashes at me. Another storyline mission so soon? I must really be burning through these encounter missions, enjoying the explosions and smouldering wrecks. I definitely won't complain either, as I am getting close to being able to work with all the Core Complexion, Inc. level ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Getting more agents, losing some others
Tuesday, July 14th, 2009
There is an understandable buzz about Cataclysm being the next World of Warcraft expansion and what regions and new content it may include. It is assumed that the level cap will be raised another ten levels, as it has in both previous expansions, pushing all the old content still ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on A new way to level
Monday, July 13th, 2009
I need to restock a couple of items on the market, but trying to install the BPOs for manufacturing highlights deficiencies in my depleting mineral pile. I only need to get hold of a fair quantity of one mineral at the moment to keep my production lines running, so ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Buying cheap ore by selling it
Saturday, July 11th, 2009
Blue Harvest, the Star Wars parody episode of Family Guy was on TV recently and, having enjoyed it so much before, I feel compelled to watch it. Once again it is a brilliant and humorous reminder of how great the original Star Wars film is, such is the warmth ...
Posted in Video | Comments Off on Star Wars theatrical release on DVD
Friday, July 10th, 2009
Even though courier missions are a little tedious, their quick nature means that storyline missions crop up more often, which offer significant faction gains. I think this is why I have been content to tolerate so many courier missions so far. But the standings gains I am now ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Delivery mission to low-sec
Thursday, July 9th, 2009
I may not have been able to manufacture many drones and modules from the two Tech II BPCs I was able to invent but the few I am able to produce all sell quite quickly at prevailing market prices, which seems to offer me a decent enough profit to consider ...
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