Rock Band: Boy Band Edition
14th January 2009 – 2.13 pmZoso is a demon at Guitar Hero games, approximating a precision industrial machine when hammering the buttons on a fake plastic guitar. His awesome aptitude also carries over on to the drums in Rock Band. He's a bit scary in his ability. Over on Twitter he wrote that he would buy a Polka Hero game if it were released. When I asked if there was a version of Rock Band in a genre or instrument that he wouldn't purchase his companion blogger Melmoth joked that Zoso had already put down a deposit on the forthcoming Harmonix title Boy Band.
Now there's a thought! We've already had Dance Dance Revolution and Rock Band added microphones to sing in to, so let's combine the two. Each game would come with a decent DDR-style mat, specially designed for boy band dance moves, and a microphone for each player. You would need to sing along to songs whilst busting out some precisely choreographed moves on the dance mat. Get four players together and you can have one singing and tapping a foot at the front whilst three at the back add harmonies and jump all over the place, player positions being swapped occasionally as the song requires.
It's in the works, I'm sure.
2 Responses to “Rock Band: Boy Band Edition”
Then there is the Rap Expansion Pack, which has less 'dancing' in favour of more 'angry walking'.
It also comes with glove-mounted accelerometers for the obligatory gangsta hand movements that need to be made.
You flatter me, sirrah! I'm mostly Medium on drums, but I'm working on it...
The Gemote moving as one while laying down sweet harmonies would truly be a sight to behold (and sound to... behear?) but I'm not sure the world is quite ready. The rap expansion pack, though, now there's a thought... And if DJ Hero really is in the works, perhaps we could see 3 MCs and 1 DJ (we be getting down with no delay, Mixmaster Mike whatcha got to say?)